New month new stitches.
Today I've started a new piece:
This will be two chickens.
As you can see on this picture:
I need to make more chickens, totally there will be eight chickens.
I'm going to make a duvet cover of it, with this on the front as a baby gift for a pregnant friend who loves chickens...
At the moment I'm only making baby gift, al those pregnant friends!!!
I bought a small slide for Noah.
He loves it...
Every night he sleeps a baby, he so tired of sliding al day..
I wanne thank you al for stopping by and leaving a comment.
Annette and little Noah
3 opmerkingen:
Look forward to seeing more of your chickens Annette and Noah sure is having fun on his new slide.
That slide looks like fun. Kids have such a great life!
And you have fun too stitching those chicks!
Lovely new start!
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