I wanna thank everyone for there lovely comment on the beautifull pictures of Kira... She is such a sweetie, I enjoy watching her every minute of the day!!!!
In my previous post I mentioned the finished Lizzie Kate August stamp

Also started on the September stamp.
this post of Nia's blog, I got so inspired, so googled a few ice crystals patterns and got my felt and started cutting.
I made a pictures of them hanging in the branches above my table, but it's hard to make a pictures of it (I have made eleven so far), I will make a picture of it when I put something new in it!!

But what will I do for February.... any inspriration will be welcome...I wanna do some thing with heart, but what??
Remember my lovely orchid.. I just made a picture of it!!

On the day Kira was born the first flower came to bloom, en yesterday the second one.
I hope the rest will hurry up!!!
We got so many beautifull gift for the birth of Kira, lovely dresses, other beautifull outfits and stuff
And I was so surprised of the gifts I got from bloggers!!!

This lovely thing I got from a stitching friend, I got her addicted to crochet too, so she is making me very curious with sending me blurry pictures of what she is crocheting for Kira

This I got from
These cute socks I got from
Katrien, who also has a beautifull baby girl of about 6 months

This beautifull card is from
Tineke, from the
CSL yahoo group

Josee, a Dutch stitching club I'm a member (she makes many big pieces and sell them, the money goes to her foundation for children with Down Syndrom, she has a grandson with Down)

From Pytsje also from that Dutch club

Hetti, from the
EMS site
Thanks you so much ladies... I love all of it..
I hope I don't forgot anyone... I just made the pictures today, and it's hard to remember from who I got everything. So If I forgot something please let me know
Also Noah is very spoiled with gifts.
From my Belgium SIL he got Play-Doh, and loves playing with it!!

We play with it everyday!!
On the day Kira was born I also won a crochet give-away.
I forgot to take a pictures buy here is the one from the blog where I won it:

I won the blue one!!
And look at this lovely pictures of Noah and Kira:

So that all for today!!
Sorry for the long post!!
I'm still to tired to craft, but I'm working on many ideas in me head!!!
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!I love reading them!!