
Please don't use any pictures of Noah and Kira with out my authorization

donderdag 28 augustus 2014

Crochet post! ♥

Ow my, what is time flying by...
It's alreday end of the month.
( way behind on Jingles   .... sssssstttttt)
I have really to little hours in a day, and I;m not crafting much.. hihihi
At the moment DH is at home with severely bruised ribs.. he fell in the shower.
So I have a bit 3 kids at the moment, and school, many ( to many ) appointments..
But it's almost weekend.... and then I have to work.. ;))))))
But thankfully, we have next week. ♥

I promissed you some craft photo's
They are only crochet, as that's the only thing I have time for, and I can put it aside easly.

let's beging with a project I wanted to show the progress many times.
But I think I have never shown a picture here.
Last year at the big craft fair with my MIL, we both bought it to give it a try.
Now it's finally finished ( just in time for the next big craft fair)

Broom stick lace.. is the stitch called.
I really love it.. takes a long time to do ( for me) ;)) but I like it very much.. This fall/winter will try and do it again..
But already so many plans are made in my mind.. I'm taking it slow from now one ( read I will try)

Then I have bought over 5 years ago big black yarn for a poncho to knit.. I hatted the pattern, tryed it over and over and over and over..
didn't work for me
So it's still nothing.. 
2 weeks ago, I was making plans to make a beautifull skirt i saw on Pinterest, but first wanted to try a easy skirt for myself to see how it would do it.
I can tell you I'm happy with it
Would you see it on me???
It's a bit of a sexy picture.. so maybe now close your eyes.. and scroll down.




Closed??? Ready??
Just jocking.. I'm getting tired.... time to sleep
I wanted a short black thick skirt.. and now I have it!!
So when we have snow ( I really hope it this year ) I will wear it!!

I have another finish
Last year bought a lovely yarn, on a web-site it was used for a basket, so wanted to make it too.
One yarn = one basket..
But after reading the pattern a few times, it was a very smal basket.. what to do next then..
Then last week I was looking on my Pinterest and seeing a beautifull rug . I thought that would be nice for on my diner table too.
So I got the yarn from my attic
And got started.

The beginning.. And I saw I don't want a round shape.. I wanne a other one..
But what???
As the yarn was not much.. I could not finish it, when I'm at the big craft fair in a few months I will buy another yarn, but for now..

I have a little tablecloth, in a funny shape
How do you like it????

It's funny right?
And if I get tired of it, I put it next to my bed on the floor as a rug.. hihihihi

So the evening is starting,  I';m going to bed, getting ready for my first night shift of 5.
Hope you all have a great weekend, till next week!!

Not started a new project yet, but who know's i come up with a idea tonight.. =))))

♥ Happy crafting all ♥

I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!! 
 I love reading them!! 
 ♥ Have a great day ♥

zondag 24 augustus 2014

Vive la France

First off thank you all so much for you awesome sweet comments about my birthday.
turning 30 was a awesome day as you saw.
I still got some lovely present I need to show you.
But I also have more to show.

Now the vacation is really over for us all. 
Kids start school tomorrow again.
But as you al though we haven't sit still.
I made a collage fom some things we did.
This weekens we had friends over from up North and saw a lot of things from where we live down south. awesome day's we had.
We went last week to my FIL and MIL who are on the camping here 45 minuten drive from. Kira sat on a horse there she loved it so much. Noah is allergic to horses so he can't ;(((
We painted, cycling, played, kiting and so much more..
But now the vacation is really over, we have to wait a few months till the next one.

* ♥ * ♥ * 

As I told you we went to France, to the Ardeche....
 ....and I wanne show some random pictures of our AMAZING time
This brown/orange folding wagen was our home for 2 weeks
When we walked out of our tent and a few meters further we walked in too the Ardeche, it's was so close. we did a lot of fishing here.
Even I catched a fish.. ( don't mine me.. really bad pic of me)
Close by we had Font Vive, a well. what was really beautifull, and from there we could clim the moutain, here a pic of the view
Here a special pictures of that view.
A bit further up the Ardeche we played with the rocks while most of us went fishing, our like me almost went away with the river :O
I love these flowers, you see them every where.
Valerie do you now the name??? I forgot
We went to a old castle town Aiguèze
Gorges the Ardeche
Vallon Point the Arc ( a brug made by nature)
We also had rain, and when you need to go to the toilet.. hihi.. you needed to walk
Just a beautifull house
The Birdge to Ruoms, 1,5 km from our Camping beautifull town
Here we went to the beautifull town Largentiere.. really beautifull DH needed to find a place to parc the car
Kira standing there adorable beautifull on a old stairs, and water in the town
In front of us we had a lot of space to play..
At the right of the camping we had the river Labaume, where we swim. and beautifull that it looked.
Also in France we braided hair, I was just done with mine.. then did Kira
♥ ♥ ♥
We drove a lot.. we where there with 6 adults and 6 kids in the age of 3 till 9, and the other family's had been there more often, so know the beautifull spots..
I really are in love with the mountains and green trees up there, the water, brigdes.. really everythings about france ( okè  expect the bugs) !!

I have so many more picture, and even more beautifull.. but I made about 1500, can't show them all..
If you have the change, try to visit France.. It's my favorite country, from when I was little and visit a France Aunt of mine.. and still are in love with it!!

* ♥ * ♥ *

After weeks of none crafting, I started with crochet this week.. also have 2 finishes to show you.
More of that in the next post.. hope it will be a bit sooner then this one.. hihi
Have a great week all

I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!! 
 I love reading them!!
 ♥ Have a great day ♥

zondag 10 augustus 2014

The big 3-0

Hello everybody!
How are you all.
It has been a while seen I wrote here.
We went on vacation too France to the Ardeche ♥, but I will tell you more about that in a other post. This post is about today, and also about yesterday wich was a very very special day too me!!! =)))))

Today I turned 30... =) ♥
Im now also with the 30 club.. they say it doesn't hurt.. I can tell you otherwise..  hihihi ;)
But let talk about the party..
As my birthday is togheter with my 2 nephews, I had my party yesterday.
Wednesday we came back from vacation, two day's of cleaning it all, and then Friday I was too see the whole day in the kitchen.
As Hubby know I wanted to bake a lot of cakes as a big surprise he gave me a new mixer, and I love it .. It´s so handy, and my cakes-pie´s are even more tasty and faster done.
Then saterday morning did the last apple pie.
And then hubby told me to hurry up as he had a surprise for me..
**** another one???****
But first the shower, putting on my party dress.
Hubby made a pic of me and the kids
The birhday-girl!!

Then not much later, hubby told me to go to the door, and who was there???
Sweet sweet Valérie and her Supperhubby came all the way from France to celebrate my birthday with me..
It was a suprise between them.. and the know about it for a month..a WHOLE month
I didn't know a thing..

I think she can still hear me screaming in her ear..
I jumped out of the door, run too her, jumped in her arms..

OMG, I can't tell you how awesome the moment was.. My make-up ( who was 5 minutes old) was running away with the tears
It was so awesome, to celebrate this special day with them

Look at us.. so pretty!!

Superhubby made a pic of me after blowing the candles
Me just after blowing out of my candles..
Wanne see the other pie's??
I made a whip-cream pie, a apple-pie, a carrot-pie, and 2 miserable.. 
The last are really awesome.. It's a Belgium pie, tryed it the first with my SIL who is from Belgium, really awesome...

Then for diner I made some things too.
I made so many things for Diner... I got many compliments of how much and how great it was..
I think was is most fames, where my Dutch Frozen Eggs.. hihihihihi
isn't that right Valérie and Superhubby???
My refrigerator was a bit to cold ( why?????) so the eggs where frozen, too bad because they where so yummy!!The leek pie was also very good eaten, all was...
What i don't see on the pic's was the rice with ragout, my FIL told me tonight how he loved it

Then giftsssssss.
I got many beautifull awesome gifts.
The first I got was from marion
Thank you so much Marion, or the sweet card and magnet.. it's always so awesome, how you find teh special things.

My other FIL, always makes a card

Thank you so much...

Then that morning Valérie send me a message if I got her gift, because there was also something in there for Kira.. know I didn't because she had it with her a few hours later..
and look at this..

I made a simple pic, because I needed to be fast, but soon I will show it better

Valérie made teh awesome sweet Little red riding hood pillow, as she know I love her and the pattern.. and look at that finish off..
But look even closer you see the little doll???
It is made by her SuperHubby..
Really need to make better pic's.. in the basket are cookies I think 2 mm big.. really awesome.. they made it speacially foe me in a bit of a secret. owke they shared it with two other lady's, who know about it all... and also kept there mouth closet... :(((((   he Rita and Nia????

But it's really awesome.. 

I;m really really happy with it..

Rita also send me a messages if I arrived something, and that afternood, it came
again a quick pic
A awesome garden scrapbook and a magnet clip..
the book is totally made by her.. it's really awesome..

the inside , the outside
So beautifull.. not going to write a word in there.. it's too pretty...

Soon will show it totally!!

And that was not all..
Look at what the kids got

Noah got a very COOL angry birds Starwars T-shirt from Rita, and a Lego Starwars package from Valérie and Superhubby.

Kira got a wallet, a book and two hello kitty hair clibs from Valérie and Superhubby en a hello kitty book and pencil from Rita..

Girls togheter with Nia, you made my day so darn special..
spoiled me so much.. and the kids also.. so very sweet.
I know they loved it very much., I love it very much..
It's awesome..

As you all can see my birthday was one to remember..
ANDDDDDD.. as I been told, more gifts are on there way too me.. isn't that awesome?? ♥ ♥ ♥

jajajajajajaja ♥ =)))

I'm now off to sleep, today went to the party of my nephews.. also awesome day, I had to stand on the table with the little boy's, and they all sing for us.. 
The table did not broke thnakfully... lol..
I'm tired, because of the awesome day yesterday, I didn't let all night, hope to do that tonight!!

night night all

I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!! 
 I love reading them!! 
 ♥ Have a great day ♥