So finally it's time to post about our vacation.
I will do it all in one post, so beware many pictures!!
Let's start with a pic when we just started to drive
Bye bye home.. we will miss you :D
The kids loved the airport, so many plained to see. :)
This was our plane... blue.. Noah loved it. ;P
We flew in the evening, went here away with 15 degrees, when we arrived in Turkey it was 35 degrees... very hot!!
It was a beautifull hotel. Here some pictures of how the resort looked like.
So many beautifull flowers.
I tought I was in paradise :)))))))))
There where 3 big pools, with little baby-pools.
At one of those pools was a aqua-park, there where 11 slides, so you can imagine, we had a lot of fun.
Look at this collage
The kids really had the time of there life.
There was a animation time, a Dutch one, they had so many activities with the kids.
Many Dutch children, whole day lon playing playing =))))))))))))))))
200 meters there was a beach, we whent there one time, and Noah another time with the animation team.. Mommy followed not long after.. hihi too afraid, without him... hihi
Building sand castles, jumping in the water, looking for fish... hihi ...
We where nearby the town Side, one day took a bus to go watch there.
It was so hot not much fun for sitting in a bus
Many old Greek building where there... so beautifull.
We want to take a boat taxi back, it went a bit wrong, so we sat 2 hours on that boat, having the time of our life. It also was the last time that the did that... hihihihi.... They didn't it was that for to bring us back to the hotel
The Dutch aninimation team, and the one from the hotel, together organised a Mini-Disco every night. at 20.15.
The kids really loved that, after a few day's Noah know al the dances, so love doing them evry night, the songs where from al country's and languages, so Noah can zount in Englisch and German... Turkisc and Russian I coulnd't unfderstand.. lol..
Here you see little Noah on teh right hand in hand with his friend, and little Kira loved to clap and jump, dancing in circles.
I have uploaded a movie of Noah dancing.. Hope it works...
We all had a wonderfull vacation, met so many wonderfull people.
We really had the time of our life =)))))))))))))))))))))
A lot of great memories have been made ;))))
I wanne thank everybody who just found out my little blog, and took teh time to leave a comment or follow me.
Next will be a craft post again
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!
♥ Have a great day ♥