I hear I'm not the only one who has that problem.
Time really flies by so fast.
I had a few very busy weeks.
But the best of all it's the birthday of Noah!!!!! :)
It's today!!!!
My little big boy turned 7 years!!,
can you imagine?
That also means i'm blogging for almost 7 years, I started when he was 6 months.
And the best thing of all.
They had the day off from school, so we planned his kids party today
The weather didn't worked with his, but still it was a great party.
We planned a treasure hunt/search
And the kids loved it.
Hubby and I made a book with clues, they all got one, and then it was looking where we need to go
We all wore rain-clothes
We also did games
And went to the butcher and baker for a treat that I organized.
Back home, we where cold, so ........ hot chocolat and whipcream.
then we played BINGO
I think that is a game that all kids like, as the 8 who where sitting at my table LOVED it really much :), and the funny part, Noah won 2 times, as only one
So special to win at your own birthday.
And then last but not least.
Eating pancakes!!!!!!!
I baked a lot of pancakes last night, and look at them.. yum yum yummy!!
I didn't do a theme this year, and already think what to do with the party next year.
This really was the first time that it was raining at Noah's party, we normally always had awesome weather on his birthday.
So the 31th of August the school started again where we live.
And kids where very happy.
That also means that Kira finally could go to swimming class, that she was asking for so long, but I told her after the long summer break she can start
She is loving it so much, it's really funny to see her with a big smile walking inside the swimming pool and important, she swims with her best friend, who is the little brother of Noah's girlfriend with who he swim. And the live in our street. How about that!!
For Noah that means starting school swimclass, he already has all his diplomas, but he still love swimming .
Noah is with the black shirt next to his girlfiend
Here in the Netherlands it's really going away school swim. Now it's only in the second class ones in the 2 weeks, When I was younger it was a few years and every week, but budgets.............
( hihi a short break, Kira came downstairs in her bathrobe and Frozen bathslippers, mommy I'm so tired I can't sleep...she looked so cute. back in to bed, I think she sleeps already, she had a busy day)
* * *
What also started was my new workplace, maybe some of you can remember, at the beginning of the year I told you I changed workplace, and now I changed again but this time in my home-town, so I can ride my bike to work.
Its what I asked about 2 years ago, then It still needed to be build and now it was done.
I work in a house with 6 people with dementia, and I take care of them, mostly in the evening and at night, so I have my night-shift back again. And I love them so much.
We are open for more then 2 weeks now, and I really love it.
It's very beautifull work, and the place is awesome
Before it started I crafted a bit for my job
For decoration on the house. The mouse and the bird are for dementia people who are very restless, 'it can' give them tranquility when the 'play' with them in there hands.
And as I loved the little coasters, I made one for myself but then a bigger one
And using it as a doily for my plant.
It's a really easy pattern, it's a dutch one, but when I find it in Englisch I will share it. Or when somebody wants to make it I will translate it.
* * *
I love to eat avocado, but they are not cheap here. So I tought lets try and grow a little tree.
And one seed is doing very good
I just see this a old picture, for my next post I will make a new one as it's really bigger.
Kids love seeing how it grows.
They say it take 4 years till we can see the first avocado. And as some of you know I really don't have any patience........:( , we will see what will come of it.
I will keep you updated.
* * *
Then Noah's R2D2 blanket, as I worked really much and started cleaning out my attic, my time to craft was short.
I didn't made it to finish it before his birthday, but we are getting closer and closer
Here my last update from almost 2 weeks ago
I still need to crochet 202 squares, then it's finished.
I will try and do 2 tonight, as I;m a bit tired of the day, and the next few weeks I will try and finish it.
My attic is almost done, I really pulled all stuff from his place sort it out cleaned it all and put it back ( I have really big problems with a house-friendly-bug, that I don't like).. the transcan was very happy, also sold a few things. Now working on the last part, then I can craft more. As I also sorted out most of my craft supplies, so I really hope soon more craft updates, from more different crafts. My fingers already itching when I think of what I all wanne make....... ;)
But first Noah's blanket.....
I hope you all are having a lovely week, I saw my blogloving is getting fuller and fuller.
O yes before I forgot.
My relationship with bloglovin is almost over, I really HATE it now after the last update.
When I open it and read a blog , and refresh my page, he puts all blogs on read, so I can't see the post who where new/unread anymore. that happend 3 times, so I think I missed some blogs to read. I havent watch it on my laptop since a week, as I don't have that problem on my phone where it's a app.
This and next week I will try and catch up with reading, I don't hope it happens again, because then I need to find a other program to keep up with blogs
Are there more bloggers who have this problem????
Have a great week, see you all soon again
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!
♥ Have a great day ♥