Yesterday evening a friend stopped by to look at my laptop. He brought his computer with him. Everything put together start up and yes we saw something...on his screen. My laptop in pieces, he thinks my videocard is damaged.
Fast collected al my personal stuff and Noah's pictures and put them on an external hard drive also all my stitch and sew patterns.
And now I've got everything back...I'm so happy I can dance......
But don't stop dancing yet.
I've got another finish, the snow banner is finished.
I sewed it on a white fabric, only need a stick to hang it on.

A few weeks back I orderd children fingerpaint, and last week it was brought by the postman. And I put Noah to the fingerpaint...hihi... it was funny. Noah is ill he has a nose-cold, soar throat and hoarse voice... So he wasn't totally in the mood..
Here some lovely pictures of it:

And the end result:

When Noah feels better, we'll try again...
I've started a new piece, the snow-baby from Ellen Maurer-Stroh

It's progressing well
This afternoon I started a few birds
that I found here.
Here is the free pattern.
At the moment I'm changing the accessory color in my living it was green, now it's white, romantic white, is the meaning. So the birds are white with a black/white belly.
Here is a picture of two from this afternoon, They aren't finished yet, but almost.

The meaning is that I make many more to put in the brance above the diningtable. That's the brance that I hang there with Christmas, I took it all off except the stitching gifts.
Soon I want to make some new pillows, but first many other thing to do.
Thanks all for stopping by, especially for those who leaves a comment.