This afternoon I walked to my car and there was it, a big dent in my car..... Yesterday it wasn't there, so probably last night someone hit my car. But unfortunatly there was no note from the person who did it.
Then the next thing!!
I was reading my blogs and at ones my laptop shut down, and now it won't start crashed....
I lost everything....
Also al my stitching pattern where I was working on, where on my laptop, so I can't stitch anymore, before I found them again...
My beautifull photo's from Noah!!!!
So i'havind a very bad day.
And I wanted to stitch tonight :(
Thanks all for visiting me and leaving a comment, It's means a lot to my.
5 opmerkingen:
Oh my! Sending big hugs to you! That's very mean of someone to hit and run. Maybe you can get your 'puter fixed. Sometimes they can recover the disk contents.
Oooh Annette! Het zit je echt niet mee.
Wij hebben net hetzelfde probleem gehad met onze laptop. Hij sloot omdat de batterij leeg was en wou ook niet meer opstarten. We hebben hem bij iemand gedaan die de harde schijf kunnen redden heeft. Dan hebben we direct van alles een back-up genomen op een externe harde schijf, maar nu is die terug gescrashed en moeten we een nieuwe harde schijf kopen. Heel vervelend is dit, want al onze emails en email adressen zijn we wel kwijt.
I'm so sorry, Annette. I hope you can recover the info from you computer.
Hoi Annet,
Ik voel met je mee Je halve "leven" staat op zo'n laptop hé.
groetjes kronova
So sorry to hear about your laptop. I do hope it can be fix soon and all info can be rescued.
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