
Please don't use any pictures of Noah and Kira with out my authorization

dinsdag 5 januari 2010

First finish of the year + Christmas clothes

First as promised the clothes that I made for me and Noah..

I love Noah's outfit, the trouser is so beautiful
The spencer is bought, and it's perfect together.
Fot myself I made a dress, first I wanne to make a girl dress for the girl next door, but I loved the fabric.
Here is the result:
And a detail photo.
I made the dress a bit different than the pattern and added the lace.
But it isn't totally like I wanted it, when my SIL marries in May I like to make it again but then I lower the waist.....

Then the first finish. The polarbear is done, it's almost ready to make into a bib, need to at the terrycloth on the back.
The lettertype I normally use is gone, on this site I always used the big letters, but now you need to pay for it, so used the one that was still for free
I also started a new piece, it's a little freebie for Valentine.
When this is done I wiil work on my SAL's and the snow banner

As you see I've changed the right side, and added a list with finished. I like to see what I make in one year time.

A two days ago it started snowing again and last night it snowed big time.
So Noah and I went outside to play in the snow en with the sled
Here are some pictures:

He loved it, but for a short time when he fell in the snow, it was very cold on his hands, and he had gloves on...

That was my post for today, thanks al for stopping by and leaving a comment.


4 opmerkingen:

Ginnie zei

well done on your clothes making, I used to make a lot of my own clothes but don't seem to get around to it nowadays.
We are having snow too! Fun for the kids but I hate driving in it!

Carla zei

Great job on your sewing!
The polar bear is adorable :)

Annie zei

Noah is really getting is fill of snow this winter!

Love the sewing projects. That dress is so pretty with the lace edging. I like the high waisted look.

And Ellen's polar bear is just adorable as are all her little animals.

Mylene zei

Great pictures of Noah in the snow. It is disappearing here now, i did took a few pictures last sunday but haven't downloeded it yet. I am trying to finish an ornament as i am getting jealous seeing everyone with their first finishes of the year.
Yours looks wonderful too.