So that's the reason that i'm not posting that often anymore. I still have a lot so show you.
I'm not sitting still...;):)
First my stitching pieces are as good as done..

* The owl FINISHED.... yeahhhhh...
* Santa Margaret Sherry FINISHED..... yyyeeaaahhhhh (need to stitch part 2 now)
* Christmas SAL part 2 FINISHED..... yeah =))))))))
Yes I'm good on track... I just got my next part in my mailbox.. So I can stitch it this weekend. I'm not picking up any new stitch pieces... I'm working on so many things right now, That I first need to finish most of it... so next weeks not much stitching update I think ( or I need to find some so CUTE =)))) )
My Pumpkin pie... is so cute... I couln't let it wait to long... So find some fabric and finished it off in to my FIRST Pin pillow

A few months back my SIL asked me to make her a playcloth, so she could give it to her best friend who was pregnant, last week she gave birth to a baby-girl, So I can show the picture here

Also this week we baked cupcakes.... A colleague of Dh had her B-day and also a colleague of mine.. so Noah and I started baking for them... because they wouldn't want a gift, and I can't come empty handed

Then today we went to the ZOO in Rotterdam... In the middle of the netherlands.. Together with a friend we had a great day

It's great... on teh back ground you hear al kinds of people talking.. but seeing that turtle is so beautifull
So that's it for today
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!
♥ Have a great day ♥
20 opmerkingen:
je hebt weer hard gewerkt, en je pompoenkussentje is super.
lekker genoten van je dagje uit, de kids ook zo te zien
her speelkleed is zoooo gaaf!
Wat super leuk allemaal. Je kussentje met de pompoen erop vind ik ook super de super leuk, zo leuk afgewerkt ook!
Groetjes, Amarins
I love the crochetted pumpkin, it is soooo cute and so love how you finished the pincushion too.
Great pictures!!!
Your play cloth turned out too cute ;)
I like the pumpkin & Your Christmas Santa is adorable !!!
Your stitching is coming along great Annette! Love MS's Santa!
Last year I stitched the cat in the pumpkin, I still have to finish it in some way...I love you finished yours as a pinpillow :)
I know how it is ;) I think it's easier to post more often but smaller posts, because I write in 2 languages too heheheheh
Uhuuuu!! congrats on all your finishes :D
I l-o-v-e your MSherry Pumpkin Cat!! Adorable!!! Cutest little pillow =)))) And those white pumpkins are so sweet too!! Beautiful pics :D
ohh Kira looks so big in the zoo pictures :D Pretty little girl :)
Here the rain hasn't stopped.. water and water all day long =/ thunder.. rain.. wind.. Only half a week of winter and I'm already tired of this weather =/ No wonder I was born in July!!! :p hahahah
I hope you week goes well and don't stay too long without posting because I miss it!!
Sweet hug to you my friend :)
You do so well at translating things into English, Annette--I really admire you and Nia and my other international friends for blogging in two languages :)
Love your stitching--especially Pumpkin Pie! Your finish is adorable!!
Nice cupcakes and it looks like such a fun day at the zoo in Rotterdam... Is little Kira walking already!!?? It seems like just yesterday that she was born...
Dat kerstmannetje is echt heel erg lief geworden, die schattige blosjes op zijn snoet, geweldig.
En dat pompoentje !!
Ook je plaid is supermooi (helemaal mijn ding ;-) ) wel veel werk, dus als je een volledig bed moet gaan bedekken ermee... dan ben je wel even bezig ;-)
Knappe cupcakes, en mooie zoofoto's !!
wat is je borduurwerk mooi geworden !
en wat is je kat in pompoen leuk, ook je gehaakte pompoenen.
en heerlijk om al die fotos te bekijken van de kinderen, veel plezier met het opeten van alle baksels die bij jou thuis blijven.
Looks like Noah and Kira have a really fun time at the zoo. :) All your finished are so beautiful! The Santa is really fat (LOL) and cute!! Your playcloth turns out so sweet! Love the color combinations!
Hello hello Annette
I also take so much time to do my posts but it is worth !! I love to have this hobbie and I am sure that you too !!
Annette you do a loooot of this with your little flowers =) so cute, lovely and family =) and look so grown up !!!
Now the pillow... so cute, cute !!
Big kiss and have a very good weekend
(thank you for your words :) on my EnolyCrafts )
Cute pumpkin pie pillow
Love the pretty pink play cloth
Yummy cupcakes
Fun zoo times
That little pillow is so cute! Pretty stitching.
WOW wat ben jij bezig geweest Annette! Leuk hoor om alle borduurtjes en andere foto's te bekijken, ziet er echt leuk uit.
De foto's uit de dierentuin zijn enig, leuke collage heb je gemaakt.
Veel plezier en succes,
your pinpillow is just awesome. CUTE crocheted pumpkins :) Congrats on finishing the owl, and that santa is just the cutest.
Je was wel erg ijverig, zeg!!
Je borduurwerkjes zijn mooi geworden, en ook het speldenkussentje.
Dus nu mag je nog eens die plaid maken? Leuke kleurtjes zijn dat, dus daar zul je met plezier aan werken, lijkt me.
Groetjes Thea ♥
wow...lovely MS pillow finish and i love he white crochet pumkins
All of your projects look great Annette!! But I especially love the little pumpkin pincushion, that is just so adorable! :)
WOW !!! Wat mooi toch allemaal ....het kerstmannetje ziet er trouwens heel ondeugend uit !! Ook je fotos van de zoo zijn super , je ziet zo dat het een leuke dag was !
zeer mooi gemaakt allemaal annette.
En inderdaad wat een mooi schildpad is dat.
Groetjes sofie
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