So I was a lot in a stitching mood, also last weekend it was very quiet on my job, not much patients to take care of, so brought my stitching with me..
This is how far I got ;):
Let's begin with the CrossStitcher Owl
Then my cute little cupcake
I was missing the pink, but got it today, so in my next post this will be finished
Then on Margaret Sherry Lovers Blog there is beautifull Christmas SAL, and I needed to start it.... it's such a beautifull design. This is how far I got
Then on a Dutch club where I'm member they also started a SAL... and I needed to make that one to... so darn cute, Not much progress, but I started it
Hihi If I haddn't enough piece I started also a halloween piece... The Margaret Sherry Pumpkin Pie
So Now I have enough pieces to keep me busy for a while.
Last week I orded a book to make dolls... DH was telling me a few weeks back that Kira only was playing with cars, and she is a girl, and girl play with dolls.. :):) LOL.
This book is so great I saw it many times, and finally bought it

The four above I love to try and make... Noah also wanted a doll... so he will get a boy's doll and many the train.
He are the two cuties

I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!
12 opmerkingen:
Tjonge jonge, had je nog niet genoeg te doen. Dacht dat ik met veel tegelijk bezig was, maar jij kunt er ook wat van, lol.Ik moet haast gaan maken met mijn uil hier zie ik.
Ben benieuwd hoe dat ene werkje moet worden.
En zeker heel benieuwd of het gaat lukken met je poppen (vast wel)
Leuke beginnetjes, Annette! de uil begint echt form krijgen en Santa van MS ook, wat ga er maken?
Kira is growing so fast :)
The cupcake is just adorable!
De overige werkjes mogen er ook zijn :)
I am so jealous here..want...want to stitch too but can't spare the time, still busy with work and other things.
Such cute pictures of the kids!
You definitely have enough stitching projects going to keep you occupied! Everything is coming along nicely.
The doll book looks like it has a lot of cute projects for you.
Love all of that blond hair -- I need sunglasses to look at those two cuties!
Die cupcake is écht mijn favoriet ertussenuit, zo lief.
Maar het uiltje is ook heel erg mooi aan het worden, benieuwd voor wanneer het af is.
En de kerstman... e goh ja eigelijk alles he ;-)
Ik ben ook al helemaal in kerstmood, blij dat ik niet de enige ben !
Wat een leuke dingetjes weer!
En dat boek ziet er geweldig uit!
wie heeft er toch ooit gezegd tegen mij dat ik wel met veel dingen tegelijk bezig was? mmmm... ja dat was jij hahaha.
leuk hoor,ben benieuwd naar alles.
je zou die foto Noah moeten laten zien als hij 18 jaar wordt hahahaa
kira ziet natuurlijk veel van hoe Noah dingen doet, je hebt een super talentje in huis..
Wow!!!! Your needles are on fire sweetie! You've stitched so much!! Good work! :D
ahahahah Noah in high heels!! LOL :D
Have a lovely day sweetie =) hugs!!
Wow Annette, you are really coming along nicely on all your cross stitch projects! And you do such nice work!
I laughed out loud at what your DH said that Kira should be playing with dolls. That was funny! And Noah walking in your shoes made me laugh too. lol What cuties they both are! :)
How nice to have some extra stitching time this week, Annette! You sure have been busy!
Kira's hair is getting so long and pretty--and those blue eyes--wow!! Love Noah in your shoes--too cute :)
Wow Annette, volgens mij zie je nog kruissteekjes als je in bed ligt! Zou wel makkelijk zijn he, in je slaap borduren ;-))
En die 2 schatjes, heerlijk om te zien!
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