Spring is starting, the sun is shining a bit more...
I see green on my dead plants in my garden... ow and birds again...
I see green on my dead plants in my garden... ow and birds again...
My neighbor got rid of a few BIGGGG tree's and all his birds... so no more cute birds where in my garden, but yesterday ans today I saw a great tit (koolmeesje)..
And I love them so much in my garden.. gives me a happy feeling ( sorry Spring fever )
I have been doing some crafting this week..
First I begin with stitching.
The cute biscornu pattern from Barbara Ana
I made this pic yesterday morning ( had hoped to post yesterday evening), so I have already done more stitching by now that the picture shows...
In my next post I hope to have a finish picture... fingers crossed...lol
Felt is my next addiction
Let's begin with some few more snowdrops.. they look so cute.
I put them all in a branche hanging in my front window.
It was very hard to get a good picture I hope you can see how it is..
(pic was made this afternoon, sometimes it's still dark outside)
(pic was made this afternoon, sometimes it's still dark outside)
Then I made 2 more felt garlands..
The first is also a Hello Kitty, this one went to Belgium..
And mom and daughter love it so much.
The other one is for Madelief. Madelief is a girls name but also a flower here .
In English Madelief is Daisy... also a girls name and a flower..hihihi :P
So I made Daisy's for above and below the name...
It's such a cutie...
I'm going to start on another one after this post.
This time the name is also a bird...hihi
I have a little building picture... we love building with Duplo ( who doesn't, I still do) and it needed to be a BIGGGG tower, so I made one to the ceiling.
( Noah thinks it's easer to go to the toilet without pants, so when has been to it, he loses the pants and walks around without...Cutie..)
A colleague got a new puppy.. a cute little Rottweiler..
Today we went on his baby shower =))))
A while back she asked me to sew something where he could cuddle with..
But what to make that can't broke... mmm there is nothing... It needed to be something where he could play with wildy I hope..
This is what I made
It need to be a chicken but turned out a goose..
But still she liked it...
The puppy is so cute... love it...
For 2 days's we had a pet too... a little kitten.
Yesterday morning I heard him at my back door... in the afternoon Noah played with it, but it run away, when Noah went inside it got back, Noah went outside again, it went away... can you get the picture... lol...
I have some pic to show and you can also see how cute it is

In the late evening it still was there so I called the animal protection.. and they would call me back this morning, and they did.. I also called someone to look if he had a chip.. he didn't. I got him some food from a neighbor and milk, he was so hungry.
So this afternoon the people of the animal protection came for the little things.
So this afternoon the people of the animal protection came for the little things.
Two whole days he was at my backdoor, we I got too the school this morning on my bicycle it followed me... he was to CUTEEEEE...
But Noah and DH are allergic to animals..... so now pets for us...
I hope he get a good boss.. he is still so little.
Long time since I shown picture sof the kids.. so here they are

MY CUTIES!!! =))))
I have one pic to show you...
My b-day orchid, is in my back window waiting to get new flowers.
But I got a new one.
I have a idea to make something too do around the pot... wait and see will come this year!!
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!
13 opmerkingen:
So many cute things! Love that funky chicken and that photo of Noah beside the tower without his pants! He's going to hate you when he grows up for showing this. ;-)
And where did all that curly blond hair come from?
Annette wat ben je weer druk geweest met mooie dingen maken en je te vermaken met de blokken van de kinderen hahahaha. Heerlijk gevoel hé als de lente er aankomt.
En dan de foto's van de kid's, die zijn helemaal geweldig. Geniet van alles meis.
Lieve groetjes van Marion
What a fun post, Annette :) I love seeing the latest photos of the kids, too. Boy, does the sight of those Duplo blocks bring back memories. I still have my sons old Duplo and Lego blocks stored away for grandchildren (hopefully--some day, please!!)....
Love your funky chicken/goose and your name garlands are looking so professional... Do you charge by the number of letters? If so, the Madelief one must have brought a nice price :)
Too bad you can't keep the kitty. We had ours for 14 years (came into the yard when the boys were little and playing outside). I miss him so much, but my husband and middle son are now allergic, too :(
Enjoy your week now!
Wat een mooie orchidee heb je daar ! Ik heb er ook eentje gekregen voor mijn verjaardag... maar ik ben bang dat ik hem kapot ga doen ;-) ik en planten... o jee !!
Ik hou ook zo enorm van die lente in de lucht, en je nieuwste borduurwerkje brengt helemaal dat gevoel naar boven !
Wat zien je kindjes er weer vrolijk en happy uit, en die krullenhaartjes, zo lief !!
Mijn hemel, jij hebt weer niet stil gezeten. Ik heb al een week niks gedaan, moet daar echt verandering in gaan brengen. Vandaag????
Whoa, cute biscornu design. Just perfect for spring!
I love the puppy toy. He will have fun playing with his floppy goose!
Big, big post!!! :D And you've made so many new things!! :D
I love all Barbara Ana biscornus! All!! :D hehhehee
Madelief is Margarida for us, also a flower and a girl's name :)
That chicken had a big turning point in her life! hahaha but now she will live happy as a beautiful goose :D Lucky chicken!!! hahahahha
I love to see your cutties pictures :D They look so much alike with each other!! And always so adorable, Noah takes good care of his little sister ;)
And he has shorter hair!! Noah had a big cut heheheeh
My orchid is still naked =( I'm waiting and waiting for new flowers to come.. takes too long!!!
But my daffodils are full!!! :D
Hope you're having a good day sweetie! Over here I have a full week, so much work to do.. deadlines coming =/
hugs to you my friend!!!!!
Wow!!! What a little architecturer! My elder daughter like to do that too.. she loves to build her own princess castle with the Lego and sometimes she like to build tall tower or an extremely long train. :) Your biscornu piece is looking great. Love the carrots! Both felt garlands are beautiful. The first one is so cute and the second one is lovely. Your children are so cute.
Oh I love that biscornu
Amazing tower, that is cool
I like your chicken goose
leuke biscornu ben je aan het maken en je slingers zijn geweldig.
de volgende is voor Merel? (wie dat dan ook mag zijn)
de kinderen groeien als kool, voor ik het weet kijk ik tegen ze op!
oh oh oh, wat een natte en vooral koude dag was het hier.
misschien moet ik maar jou kant uit komen ;-)
Het één is nog mooier dan het anders, super zeg. Wat een heerlijke foto's van je kinderen ook, lekker genieten.
Groetjes, Amarins
I thought you finally adopted the little cat !
He was so cute, but if Noah is allergic...
Your biscornu will be lovely =D
I love Barbara Ana designs too.
And it seems that we have the same weather ! :(
Spring is not here yet !!
Congrats for all your doings and for the duplo tower =D
Hubby still enjoys Lego !!! this passion can last long =D
big hugs sweetie
I love her stuff and your Biscornu is looking lovely :o)
Great job on the names! They look like such fun. And the goose is TOO cute ;o)
Love the pictures of the kids.
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