I wanted to post last night, but my poor girl Kira, got sick and spit in her bed for 5 times and when she was on our arms another 5 times... So I was busy cleaning, washing, and taking care of my sweet little girl..
After a very short night, and drinking again, she feels a lot better..
At the moment she sleeping and for a long time.. she needs it..
Last night she looked as pale as a white cloth...
Not only her bed was dirty but also her cuddles, but they are hanging outside in the sun right now
Yesterday the beautifull weather came to our country... YES>>>> SPRING =))))))
Sunday is lazy day here...Normally with sitting, baking and watching.. and when the kids are playing or sleeping ...mommy goes crafting.
With this lovely weather, where not going to sit inside but outside...
So I cleaned up the garden.. ( did not take a picture before cleaning to bad to described)
My swing normally is standig in the shadow, and when it's hot outside it so great sitting on it, but now is to cold here
But it's so summer yet... so moved it to here
Do you see the sun shining??
And my crafting is also waiting for me....That will be finished for my next post
The kids also loved it outside... and where playing with so much fun in the garden

Only to bad Kira got sick...
But new day new changes..
I understand we are keeping this beautifull weather.. JIPPIE =)))
Then my Easter stitching..
That means... HAPPY DANCE ;) =)))) ;)
My Biscornu piece is the first to show... I finished the front and the back stitching
I so love the Spring colors that are used in it

The Spring Biscornu from Barbara Ana
Next Piece... and also a happy dance =))))
This cute PEEP! from Lizzie Kate..
Isn't it a cutie???
When I saw it.. I needed to have it and stitch it right away...
On the pic to see is that I made it in the sun.. you see my shadow
Kira is waking up so till next time
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!
19 opmerkingen:
sorry to hear that Kira has been poorly. I hope she continues to feel better. I love your photos of your children playing, they are so sweet!
Your finishes are very pretty, lovely colours.
It's so hard on the little ones when they get sick since they can't do anything for themselves. Lucky to have a great Mom like you to nurse Kira back to health.
The Barbara Ana piece and the LK piece are both so cute. You are definitely ready for spring.
We are having nice weather here as well. Yea!
hope and pray that Kira is perfectly fine now...it's very hard when little one gets sick...but still i admire you for your beautiful works with all these busy happenings around you....enjoy the weather..
Ik hoop dat je lieverdje weer snel opgeknapt is. Geef haar maar een dikke knuf van deze oma.
Lieve groetjes van Marion
Gelukkig gaat het weer beter met Kira
Oooo als Dominique jou tuinfoto's ziet, wil ze meteen komen springen
De paasborduurtjes zijn zo leuk, lekker vrolijk. Hier is PEEP is ook klaar, nu er nog iets van maken.
Beterschap met Kira!
I remember those sick baby days.
I do hope kira is feeling much better now.
I love the spring stitches, the colors are so cheerful
Poor Kira :( Hope she's better now...sending hugs for her
Congrats on your finishes... Love the bright and happy colors on both :)
Awwwwww :o( I'm so sorry to hear that your DD was sick. I hope she feels much better now.
LOVE IT! BOTH of them :o) Congrats on your springy finishes.
ohhh poor little girl =/ How's sweet Kira now? all better? I hope so!!
WOW!!! Two happy dances on the same post?! Really? Wait.. wait a minute...
1) ƪ(^◡^)ʃ ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ ƪ(˘˛˘)ʃ ƪ(ˆ◡ˆ)ʃ*
2) ƪ(^◡^)ʃ ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ ƪ(˘˛˘)ʃ ƪ(ˆ◡ˆ)ʃ*
Two happy dances just for you :D hehehhe
Great work sweetie :D
And finally the weather is getting better over there too! Great for you! :)
You have lots of space! So cool for the kids to play :D I bet they had a lot of fun after the cold winter :p
Huge hug for them and for your too!!
Hugs&smiles :)
lo-ve-ly =D
I loooove your stitching
your biscornu will be so great ! lovely colours
Pooooor Kira :(
I hope she is better now. With all these changes of weather it's normal !
We had Spring here too this week end, and yesterday afternoon Autumn came back !!!
happy stitching
big hugs
ach arme Kira. En arme jij want een ziek kindje met spugerij is nooit leuk. Heerlijk he de zon. Vanmorgen nog een beetje grijs maar hopleijk is hij er vanmiddag weer.
Oh no! Poor Kira ~ I hope she feels much better today! *hugs*
Your spring finishes are wonderful & bright. I love cheery spring colors. That is going to be the sweetest biscornu, can't wait to see.
Aww...poor, little Kira. I do hope she's feeling like her old cheerful self very soon. Those "sick" nights are so tiring on the parents as well as the kids...
What bright and cheerful finishes, Annette--perfect for your warmer weather. We are having a lovely warm week too!!! YAY!! It is so nice to be able to open the window and let in some fresh air :)
Have fun crafting!
beterschap voor Kira en voor jullie sterkte daar mee!
het zijn leuke foto`s van de kinderen, wat zijn ze toch groot.
je paas werkjes gaan met een sneltrein vaart, heb je extra paashazen ingezet ofzo?
Hi Annette, hope Kira is feeling much better by now.
Now, you're next...hope you'll feel better very soon.
Love the biscornu and the LK piece. Such cute designs.
Beautiful outdoor pictures!
Poor little Kira,hope she get well soon and could play again at the lovely spring weather !!
Both of the Easter-stitchings looks so happy -Peeep ! is so cheerfull pattern :) :)
Enjoy your crafting ,my sweet blogging friend!!
Yep!!!-my DH,DD and DS are snowboarding athe mountains while I am doing my stitching and blog-reading at the cabin.
And we have get more snow daily!! :D :D
Finland = Winter Wonderland !!?
Hello Annette
just to let you know that I've chosen you for a Liebster award. Full details on my blog.
Oh poor little Kira! I hope she is feeling all better now. :) And your Easter stitching is beautiful!!
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