Are you also having such beautifull weather??????
No... come to Europe... I'm loving this weather...
sun > warm > more sun > a lot of sun ;)))))
The kids are havening so much fun playing outside..
Noah playing with different friends, whole day's long this weekend.. ;P
He was such a happy boy..
So glad it's Spring...=))))
And Kira... lol... here we say.. she looks a cat out of the tree.. I don't now if it's says something to you... but in Dutch it means shy/waiting/a bit afraid..
Today I saw nothing of that
Look at a beautifull collage I made of them

Not only kids a loving it.. also me and my plants...
I'm seeing so much green in my garden.. and even a few purple/pink flowers
Can't wait till the whole garden is green again and full with flowers and birds/butterfly's

Then inside, the Easter is coming..
I'm trying to put only handmade decorations this year.. it's hard because my crafting skill are not that fast.. but it's getting there..
I wanne make a few more things and rest will be for next year...
Aachen and Cologne (Aken en Keulen) aren't build in one day... ( also something we say here)..

.. Remember the chicken???
I made it last year.. this week I gave it a nest and some eggs.. it are different eggs.. I was trying out patterns...
One I like.. wanne try and make a few more..
Every year I get Easter branches from my best friend.. last year I didn't wanted to asked again, so I put one branche in the garden ... :P
And just before cutting it it was 4 metre high.. so I have a beautifull big Easter tree of my own this year..
With only one crochet Easter egg hanging it it...
I will make a few more.. and also the rest will be for next year...
In my hallway there are a piece from Barbara Ana I made last year.
And the cute framed egg I got from Miek, I tought last year, but also can be the year before that.. I forgot (sorry)
I have more stuff.. but it's lost in the attic.. when the attic is done I will find it again
I started a new Easter stitch piece..
Another Lizzie Kate pattern..
I also started another Lizzie Kate pattern and crochet pattern... but more of that in my next post..
I have on pic left..
A duplo picture..
Don't look at Noah clothing again.. it was a sunday and he wanted to where the same as Kira.. For DH I didn't gave them both a

I wanne give a warm welcome to my new visiters/followers..
Feeling a bit a blushed that your liking my blog :$ :$....
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!
12 opmerkingen:
Hello hello Annette, my dear
Love love love to see the happy faces of Kira and Noah !!!
Today me and Henrique, we went out of house, with no idea where to go. At the end we spent the afternoon (with a lovely spring weather !!) in a park that we did not know...and that was what we really need it!! We also saw in that park a Bonsai museum (just amaizing works!!). We walk a lot and at the end we buy a new flour for our house =)
Big kiss my dear and have a go week !!
so nice to see you enjoying the spring and getting ready for Easter. I remember your cute chicken from last year...i love that idea of a nest with eggs for her..
Wat een leuke foto's heb je weer gemaakt!
Je krijgt gelijk zin in lente, pasen en de zomer!
We also have sun and spring, and birds singing all around here... =D
we really appreciate and hope it'll stay like this for days !
I love your chicken
and one egg in your tree is better than no egg isn't it ? =D
Rome wasn't built in one day, that's what we say here =D
have fun sweetie
big hugs
Het wordt al steeds meer pasen bij je in huis. Enne....mijn takken zijn veeeeeeeeeeeeel groter ;-)
Lekker he dat zonnetje, heb er net ook lekker ff in gezeten.
Lovely pics of your kids :) its so nice to see they are enjoying the warm weather
love your eastee decor!
leuke foto`s van de kinderen en je paas deco`s schieten toch al op!
I used to love it so much when the spring weather came and I could send the boys out to play after being cooped up inside all winter! Looks like your kids are having a grand time in your wonderful weather, Annette.
It is supposed to freeze and get very cold here tonight--time to cover up the daffodils and tulips!
Your chicken and Easter tree are very cute--what a fun way to decorate for spring :)
Enjoy your week--hope little Kira is all better by now!
"cat out of a tree" I didn't know that one! :D hahahah we say Rome and Pavia aren't built in one day LOL now I see, it changes in every language to rime ;) ehhehe
"Roma e Pavia
não se fizeram num dia" :)
It's so fun to see kids playing, makes me smile :)
hahahaha Noah with a skirt? No way :p ahahhaha
I remeber your chicken, of course!! So cute :)
It's not about being fast, we do our best, you make some things this year, some next year! Last year I made: zero for easter :p I wish I had a pretty chicken like yours! ehehheeh This year I made my garland and almost finished my easter tree :) next year I will make more, we can't do it all at once heheh
Pretty new start :) One more to add to your tray decorations :D
I need to go get some branches!! The only thing I'm missing now :p ehhehe
hugs to you sweetie!! :D
lovely easter decorations.
Was Noah trying to climb over that wall? :) Love your collage
Het ziet er al leuk uit binnenshuis met al die paasdecoraties. Buiten komt het vanzelf met dit mooie weer.
Wat een leuke lieve foto's van Noah en Kira.
Lieve groetjes van Marion
Yes,yes,yes!!-Ofcourse I remember your happy little chicken :)
She have to be busy nesting those egss now..are we goin to see yellow chicks too ??! Who knows !? :)
Your iscornu is so pretty .
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