To begin with this one in order.
This little boy turned 3 years a few days after Kira
His mother loved to have a blue one. I love how it turned out ;)
Then needed to made the ones for Kira.
First I wanted to do a pink and a red one.. but had to little red, so made a dark and light pink one.
I stupidly forgot the made a photo when they still where hanging in the living.. But I think you get the picture how pink it was here.. and with a lot of pink balloons..;P
When my MIL saw the garlands and got back home she texted me if I had But I can make I had a few days to make it, but I finished it on time..
I made a rainbow garland with 14 different fabrics in 7 different colors...
You can't see how great it was on the pic, but when we hang it up in the living at my MIL's house, It was so great.. I made it 9 meters, als long as there living is.
It's a beautifull colorful garland =)))))
Then I have two more order but then in felt. Two girlie Hello Kitty name garlands..
I working on them right now.
As you can see in my header, we have snow.. For a few weeks it was just around zero degrees, but just before the weekend I was getting lower and we got SNOW!!!!!!
We love snow, and Noah the most off all.
We are already had two days with a lot of fun...
Today we are watching from the inside...
This morning the kids where watching Happy Feet (Kira for 5 seconds---long enough to take this pic lol ) =))))
Tomorrow another day to enjoy all the snow!!!
Do you also have snow???
And are you enjoying it ?

Then needed to made the ones for Kira.
First I wanted to do a pink and a red one.. but had to little red, so made a dark and light pink one.

When my MIL saw the garlands and got back home she texted me if I had But I can make I had a few days to make it, but I finished it on time..
I made a rainbow garland with 14 different fabrics in 7 different colors...

You can't see how great it was on the pic, but when we hang it up in the living at my MIL's house, It was so great.. I made it 9 meters, als long as there living is.
It's a beautifull colorful garland =)))))
Then I have two more order but then in felt. Two girlie Hello Kitty name garlands..
As you can see in my header, we have snow.. For a few weeks it was just around zero degrees, but just before the weekend I was getting lower and we got SNOW!!!!!!
We love snow, and Noah the most off all.

Today we are watching from the inside...
Tomorrow another day to enjoy all the snow!!!
Do you also have snow???
And are you enjoying it ?
Next post lots off CAKES/PIE's.....
I love reading them!!
♥ Have a great day ♥
16 opmerkingen:
Your banners are wonderful, Annette--so bright and cheery!! I'm sure they brighten up any party :)
Darling pictures of the kids at play in the snow...Kira looks a bit unsure of herself on the sled, but Noah looks like he's having a grand time :) No snow here--just a dusting now. It fell most of the day yesterday, but melted quickly.
Have a great week--can't wait to read your cakes and pies post :)
Oh!! I want a pink suit like Kira!! hahahah :D It's so cold here!! I can imagine it's even lower over there... but at least you have snow and fun! :D We have only cold, nothing more hahahah
Your banner looks lovely!! :D
Wow! You made lots of sewing :D Nice work!!!
I bet those kitty garlands will look adorable =)
hahah Kira can't stay still for more than 5 seconds? LOL :p not even watching a movie? hahahah that must be hard hahahah
And Noah, did we enjoy watching little Erik helping his family and friends? :) I hope so! :D
Huge hhug to you all!!! Stay safe and warm!!! hugs&Smiles
je slingers zijn super
ja hoor hier ook sneeuw,brrrrrr, geef mij maar zomer
Als ik deze foto's zie word ik bijna sentimenteel!
Zo zaten mijn oudste 2 ook vaak naast elkaar voor Tik Tak.
Hou ze goed vast, deze momenten....voor je het weet zijn ze 18 en 17...en mijn jongste is vorige week al 14 geworden!
Mooie sneeuwfoto's heb je gemaakt, en niet te vergeten de slingers.
Pretty banners! Your kids are having so much fun in the snow. We've had a mild winter so far here. Fine for me, but maybe not so fine for kids!
mooie slingers zijn het, en zo fleurig!
leuk om te zien dat de kinderen sneeuw plezier hebben.
ja, wij hebben ook sneeuw en het is heeleeel koud.
great garlands Annette. the hello kitty ones already look nice andyou haven't even finish them :) !!
cute pics of the kids playing in the snow; it's summer here and it's really hot ... took Maria to the beach for the first time on Saturday :-)
The photos of the children are wonderful - They are growing up so fast!
Very great garlands, indeed :)
And so beautiful pictures of the kids
we had snow too this weekend !
it's very cold....
big warm hugs
beautiful garlands. En zo'n leuke foto's van de kids.
de sneeuw is hier alweer zo goed als weg, het blijft wel hééééél koud, brr!
beautiful garlands. En zo'n leuke foto's van de kids.
de sneeuw is hier alweer zo goed als weg, het blijft wel hééééél koud, brr!
Those garlands are beautiful Annette! Can't wait to see the Hello Kitty one! :)
Wat zijn je slingers leuk geworden Annette!! Naai je de letters erop? Want dan is het best wel veel werk.
Enig om die rode snoetjes te zien en Noah heeft echt veel plezier met de sneeuw!
Veel plezier en groetjes,
Wat een leuke slingers Annette.... prachtige foto 's heb je gemaakt, de kindjes hebben genoten zo te zien!!!
You sure been busy, the banners looks all lovely.
Great snow pictures of the kids.
Die vlaggetjes zijn zo lieeeeef !
Ik moet toch ook eens een reden verzinnen om er zelf zo'n te maken, (en dan nog een reden om ze te laten hangen :D ) ze zijn geweldig.
Leuke banner-foto heb je ook trouwens (ik zie het nu pas !!), en leuke foto's van de kids. Ze worden zo groot!!
Je knoopjes liggen klaar hoor... ik geraak maar niet tot bij de post, dus hopelijk volgende week wel !
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