Busy busy busy.. but that's life nowadays hihi :P
It's the last day of January..so that means GOALSSSSS
My Goals for January where:
1. Finish Blue tit Xmas ( hope with this to get my mojo back)
2. Make felted and crochet snowflakes..
3. And PINK PINK PINK PINK for Kira’s B-day
4. Make a felt ornament ( start slow..lol)
So let's look how I done it...hihi:
You see... I have been stitching again.. and I finished it
lol.... I'm glad to finally finished it.. but now... What to do with it.. It's to big for a ornament in my tree this year (yes I'm having a tree this year...:)))))
So what are some great idea's???

But found some great idea's for next year... To many..=))))
My Goals for February:
1. Make many hearts in diffents crafts
2. Stitch and finish a snowdrop
3. Do some stitched on Panda Days
4. Finish off Noah's blue owl.
5. Crochet a Xmas ball
Oops I see It's february at the moment.. lol..
For this month 5 goals... good luck to me...
About number 5. the owl.. have been working on that today
That's it for this time.. need to go to work in a few hours... night night
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!I love reading them!!♥ Have a great day ♥
11 opmerkingen:
Congratulations on meeting all your goals! And I love the bluebirds! I'm also looking forward to seeing what you made with all of that pink fabric. :)
o o o jij ging weer veel te laat je bed in.
de sneeuwvlokjes zijn zo leuk!
maarre...waarom heb je 4 poten voor de uil?
Hoi Annette, proficiat met Januari afgeronde werkjes. en ik denk dat uit Februari punt 4 kan je gedeeltelijk afstrepen - Uil is prachtig!
voor je voornemens 1 en 2 kan ik je nog met patroontjes helpen, heef maar een gil ;)
Dank je meid voor leuke verjaardag kaartje met bijlage! I love it!!!!
Nice to see someone who can stick to their plans! I never bother with goals.. just do what inspires me from day to day. It takes all kinds of people, yes?
Love that little tweety piece!
mooie dingen zijn het allemaal.
de tweets kan je als klein kussentje op Noah`s kamer leggen met de kerst, bijv.
de uil is geweldig geworden, nu Saskia het er over heeft, wat ga je met 4 poten doen?
Wat een leuke vlaggetjes, en dat uiltje is ook goed gelukt.
Ik blijf ze leuk vinden.
Groetjes Thea ♥
congrats for all these achieved goals :)
I love the owl, I saw it in a magazine and yours is really beautiful
let's start February's goals =)
I'm back, Annette! I'm so glad to have time to visit your blog again. Life was extremely busy here. Your stitched owl is so cute! And congratulations on your beautiful finish. Happy crafting!
love the little tweet ornie :) maybe you can finish it as a flatfold orcube
Your owl looks fantastic!! :D
Uhuuuu happy dance! Congrats on your finish sweetie :) I love that design, so colorful!
Good luck achieving your goals for this month!! Happy February :D
congrats on meeting your goals!!
the owl looks good
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