Today was the day... the fair in my town =))), and my first time of selling my craft things...
Thank you all for giving so many compliments on teh things I make..
Also today I got a lot of compliments..
The only bad things was, they didn't buy anything :(:(:(
Everybody loved it, but not enough to buy it..
But I had a great day, did it together with a friend from town, who also made a bit the same.
BUT I had a great day, met many people, met a family member (I never met before, who lives 1 street apart from me, so soon need to go visit... and talk about, she is a great lady a niece from my grandfather who died 35 year ago..
Many people asked for my webshop so they could look... So I think I need to start one :):):)..
But not know... soon.
Here some pics

The sun was shining it was very hot... and that was great It has been long ago since we had sun... And tomorrow the bad weather is coming again... So I enjoyed it!
It was a great experience, I will do it again together with my friend..
Need to think of new things, who people do want to buy..
So that busy period is done, know to the next one..
Noah's B-day is in two week and anough needs to be done, also need to make two orders, 1 I got today and another one I need to make for a while and need to be finished in two weeks..
And also need to make b-day craft,....
Just strated the first

This is what I'm making for give on hid school.
The kids are doing so great.. Noah was for a long time very tired, but that's over know... hope it will stay away to... in 4 weeks he is going 4 morning to school... He will love it.
Kira is also growing so fast, her hair is growing.
She can sit very good, also can crawl a bit to the front to the back, make cirles... So nothing is save anymore....hihihi.... Noah's playtoys are her favorite..hih ;)))
So need to look out with sewing... so not many needles to fall....
So I'm going to reply my mails and looking to a few blogs... haven't done that in a few days!!
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!
♥ Have a great day ♥
14 opmerkingen:
Nee he, dat meen je niet! Helemaal niks?? Wat erg!
Ik weet nog uit mijn tijd dat ik via hobby en vakantiemarkten mijn zelfgemaakte spulletjes verkocht.Dat als het erg warm was, je bijna niks verkocht!!
Zou het daaraan gelegen hebben?
Je had zulke leuke spullen!
Zet ze maar snel op Marktplaats dan!!
Ik vind het heel erg jammer voor je!!
Ik hoop dat je toch een leuke zondag hebt!!!
Groetjes Thea ♥
Looks like a wonderful display of goodies! Maybe a littler too early in the season. When you get closer to the holidays, these kinds of things probably sell better. But I'm glad you had fun. You have such a great attitude!
Oh :( wat spijtig ! Je maakt zulke mooie dingetjes.
Weet je, we hebben al hetzelfde ondervonden, mensen vinden het allemaal mooi, maar ze willen aan zelfgemaakte spulletjes precies niet veel geld geven. Je mag bij wijze van spreken amper iets vragen voor een werkstukje waar je uuuuuren aan gespendeerd hebt.
Misschien moet je een klein 'winkeltje' op je blog zetten? Of een etsy shop? (ik weet niet hoe dat werkt...).
Zo goed van je dat je toch de moed er in houdt en positief blijft, want je spulletjes zijn echt fantastisch mooi :-)
lovely display Annette...glad that you enjoyed it...
Ohhhhhh, maar niet getreurd, het is een fantastische ervaring en als je er volgend jaar weer staat, denken veel van heeee, die Annette had van die leuke spulletjes en dan komen ze weer kijken en ...kopen. Wat Annie zegt; prijs het aan voor verjaardagen en feestdagen dat helpt ook.
Dat is mijn ervaring van de Groenoordhallen in Leiden en de streekmarkt in Rijpwetering.Het tweede jaar verkocht ik veel!
Voordeel; je hebt nu kadootjes voor de komende tijd ;-))
En je hebt een leuke dag om op terug te kijken!
Don't be sad sweetie, next time it will work out better ;) Probably it wasn't the best month to sell, maybe another time in the year is better (or right after people get their paychecks heheeh) The important thing is to try and find out where you can improve. If people liked it and asked for your webshop, maybe it was just a bad time for their wallets :p
Those events are good to spread the word too, if you had a shop already, that would be good to get some orders in the future ;) But maybe next time! :)
Those things take time to plan and make it happen! Maybe next year you will have your shop and for sure you will go to more fairs too! :D
How did you make those decorative stitches? With your sewing machine? That looks very pretty!! :)
Oh! bad weather for next week? =/
wwe are expecting sun for the next 10 days.. Now let's wait and see if that will really hapen :p
A great Sunday to you sweetie!!
Hugs&smiles :)
I'm sorry you didn't sell more of your creations, Annette, but at least you'll have a great supply all ready for the next fair or for gift-giving. I'll bet you would sell a lot at Christmas time, so perhaps you should consider a webshop?
You always manage to see the bright side of things, though, and that is why I love visiting your blog :)
Can't wait to see what you have planned for little Noah's birthday!! Hard to believe he is almost three!!!
het is wel een vrolijke kraam geweest, en het is zo als sommige al zeggen, een goede les voor de volgende keer.Hetti heeft er al veel ervaring mee en die is erg positief. gelukkig heb je goed weer gehad. nu de verjaardag van Noah nog en dan even rust?
wat spijtig dat er niks verkocht is, het ziet er nochtans allemaal zo leuk uit.
Wat jammer dat je niks verkocht hebt!
Misschien was je iets te duur?
Mensen willen tegenwoordig alles voor een koopje...:(
Heb je echt helemaal niks verkocht? Onbegrijpelijk....
Misschien idd toch sneller al via internet/hyves/blog oid gaan proberen?
Als ik eens wat nodig heb weet ik je te vinden hoor.
Succes met de Noah's verjaardagsknutsels ed. Spreek je snel weer!
jammer dat je niets hebt verkocht. Hoop dat het volgende keer wel lukt want het ziet er prima en vrolijk uit.
Succes met de voorbereidingen van Noah's verjaardag.
I loved every one of things you made for the fair...
I think you should really work on with the idea of of web-shop !!???
I have a stitching friend who loves all kind of owls and I would had love to by her a cute little owl you made.
All of your things look so lovely Annette, I'm so sorry the sales weren't great. I know that happens at craft shows sometimes. Sometimes you sell many things and some times you don't. But it sounds like you had a great time, and now you've got a good stash for the next time a craft fair comes around. :)
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