First I made 10 cute baby balls for a order.
They are so much fun to make:
I'm also working on some little play cloths
Then some crochet flowers hair clips:
And for the boy's I'm trying something out, my friend helped me with the pattern and this is what i made of it
All of these things I'm making, I'm making to sell. In 2 weeks we have a little fair here in our small town, and my friend ( who is in the organization) asked me If I would like it to sell some home made carft.... (it's a dream for me, that I hope some day will come true)... So I'm making some small things...
As DH is warning me about for some time now, I started to late, so the next 2 weeks I will be very busy... also I start pears picking next week for 4 weeks, and in 2 weeks I have vacation, and 2 days later is this fair.... So not so much time to blog, and a lot of time needed to craft...
So every evening I don't have to sewing machine is working overtime, during the day I'm too busy with my lovely children, my home and garden, and also some pear picking.
Dh also has vacation, so when I'm pear picking he stay's with the kids.
If you wondering why I do that ( who takes vacation to pick pears... it must be a crazy girl. ... yes I am)..mmmmmm.... From I was a little girl I loved to be on a farm, In my teenage years a friend of mine lived on a farm and every summer holiday I worked at there farm. Then I went to a farm-school, but I didn't saw any future in there, so I decided to look for a cute farmer...... :(:( No luck there.
I started working in a nursinghome (what I still do with so much love), what is only indoors, and I love working outdoors too... at that time my neighbour found a farmer:( and he asked me if I would help him picking his orchard empty, and I like it very much. The next year my friend she told me she picked pears here in twon. I tryed it, and now 6 years later, I still love to do it... I do have a new boss since last year aor and still love it... So please let it be dry from next week for another 4 weeks........ Yes some of you have a lot of sun... Here in teh Netherlands we have a lot of rain, At the moment we have 2 dry days, but that will change this weekend
I know what your all are thinking.... hihi ;) I'm a bit crazy... I know...
Oops It's way past my bedtime, I'm going to sleep, have a great weekend
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!
10 opmerkingen:
Oh ! ik ben compleet weg van je stoffen balletjes, heb je daar een patroontje van? Zo mooi seg !
En ook die speeldoekjes zijn super, én je haarklemmetjes ook al (je hebt gelijk, elke kleine en grote dame hoort er zo'n te hebben ;-) ).
ook de autootjes zijn supergoed gelukt, knap werk !
En je bent maar een beetje gek ;-) maar da's plezant gek, dat mag he !
Dat autootje is helemaal super!
Oh, you sure have been busy, Annette--such cute things you're making for the craft fair. I hope you get lots done in the next few weeks and manage to sell a lot :)
I had no idea they grew pears in The Netherlands! I think I would be nervous climbing the ladder to pick the pears! But, you will be working outside so I know you'll be happy...
Enjoy your busy weekend :)
oooooooooooooooo je labeldoekjes zijn zoooooooo liefffffff. en die autootjes dan echt super!
Je hebt leuke speeltjes gemaakt Annette voor de verkoop.
Lekker doornaaien en je hebt een hele kraam vol, het gaat zeker lukken, veel succes ermee!
You make so many cute things, I'm sure they will sell well.
4 weeks of pear picking, huh? Not for me, but I hope you enjoy it!
wat ziet dat er gezellig uit al die ballen en de knuffel dingen.
dat wordt een leuke opvallende kraam, ik denk dat ze op school ook wel blij zullen zijn met de kadootjes.
Hi sweetie! :D I missed you these last few days! Now I back in active ;) hehehhe
And you have been quite busy! so many things!! Those balls are really cute and so colorful!
Good work!!! :D
I understand you, an open air activity is really good for us, and so much fun!! :D I hope you'll enjoy it and still manage to have some time for your crafts too ;)
Hus&smiles!!! have a great week :)
Annette, I love all your projects! I did a craft fair one time and I too started working on things late and was working non-stop trying to get my things made. It was hard work, but lots of fun. :) I hope you sell all your things! :)
And your pear picking sounds like fun too. :)
knap gedaan weer. Je bent echt zo getalenteerd, ik geniet telkens van je foto's
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