Last Saterday we had the party, I wanted to bring my camera allong but I forgot :(:(, also forgot th etake pic's of the clothes :P.
This are the best pic's I have
If you look good you can see a red crochet pin flower in her hair that I also made ;)

Just on the last moment I thought to make a cute crochet flower in her hair. It looks so cute only it didn't survive the day
But now I have another virus... making those cute hair-clibs
I you look good you see it (pic can be enlarge)
The flowers are made with my new crochet threads.
Last month my vacation money came and as we don't go on vacation I gave myself a present and bought cotton threads, al the other things I have made where al made with acryl. Look at how beautifull my new colors look

But I was looking to buy a lot of pins, I only could find one website and they are out of stock, They will mail me when it's back in stock... (I HOPE VERY VERY SOON)
The new threads are a bit smaller as i'm used to look at this pic
On the party last Saterday on niece was pregnant so I made a little gift
And my SIL came with the big news that she is pregnant of nr. 3 ... so next January I hope to get a niece or nephew:):):)
Then my sitching update's
BTW Noah asked for a Wall-E pillow for on his bed.....;)
I'm behind on blogreading, so I'm going to do that now, till next time
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!
♥ Have a great day ♥
14 opmerkingen:
Noah loves to take pictures and Kira loves to be in your pictures! hhahaha doesn't she? I really think she likes it!! :D
She looks adorable! And so does Noah, l-o-v-e his tie, handsome dude ;) Lol
You really lost your head with all those colors!! hahaha Hope to see new things soon ;)
Good progress on your wips :)
I'm like Noah, I want a Wall-E pillow for myself!! We need to find some stores selling time in packages ;)
Huge hug for you all!!!! :D
Super cute photos of the kiddies. You've been creating a lot of cute things as always.
Hope you have room to store all those threads!
Dat zijn een hoop vrolijke kleurtjes!
en Kira zag er erg mooi uit hoor.
Je werkjes gaan ook lekker, leuk om te zien.
wauw wat een boel bollen heb je nu op voorraad, zal snel weer wat leuke haakpatronen!
enne....het eindresultaat van kitty is super, op naar de volgende
Ach Annette wat een mooi , lieve foto's van de kinderen , ook zie ik hier weer leuke werkjes en vrolijke kleurtjes , jammer dat we geen tijd kunnen kopen hè ....dat zou pas handig zijn ;)
Hello Annette!
I have not forgotten Your sweet blog but I have been extremely busy.
The massive decorating of our kitchen and making all done for my DD's Confirmation Day and a big after party for relatives have taken all my time and strength.
Now I have at last time to read blogs,to update mine and the most important - to stitch on my new sofa :D
Yes -me and my lovely kittyes have a new place to cuddle with each other and make those fascinating little x's to the fabric.
You have been busy to sew and stitch as always and I have to say that I just love all the pretty colours of your crocheting yarns !!
They look like some colourfull candyes for me :)
Kira looks so adorable in her outfit! You did a wonderful job on all your projects! And all that new thread! I'm very jealous! How fun! :)
Kia is net een prinsesje, zo'n mooi jurkje heeft ze aan...en dan die leuke schoentjes!
En Noah zo stoer! Je maakt zulke leuke kleertjes voor allebei.
WOW, al die bollen...dat wordt een drukke zomer Annette ;-)))
Groetjes, Hetti
Wat zijn de kid's toch een schatjes en wat zien ze er toch altijd lief en stoer uit.
Wow wow wow Annette al die kleurtjes, wat zal jij in je sas zijn.
Groetjes Marion
Aww… Kira is so cute with her new outfit!!! Your crochet hair clips is beautiful. You must be very busy with your new hobby and Kira is so lucky to have so many new hair clips to match all her dress. :) Hope the pins are in stock and arrive to you soon. Your gifts to your niece are so cute and creative.
Noah and Kira are looking darling in your outfits, Annette :) So funny that you now have a new addiction to making the hairclips.
Such pretty colors--I love them all :) Your Wall-E pillow for Noah will be so cute. I think that is darling that he asked you to make him one--he obviously appreciates your stitching!
Have a great weekend :)
so many lovely colors.
Kira looks soooo cute :)
Hello Kitty looks good!
Kyra looks adorable!! And so happy with her new outfit :)
Love her new hair clips♥, I wish Maria Fernanda had her so I could put some clips on :S
Kira is wel een plaatje in haar mooie jurk met schoentjes.
En dat je zelf de kleren voor Noah maakt! goed zeg.
en onder tussen gewoon ook nog werken en hobbyen (ofzo).
Oh, ik kan me Noah zo goed voorstellen met al die kleuren katoen.
wat een creatieve jongen zal dat toch worden!
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