Last wednesday we went to Plopsaland!! (did the Engelisch link)
It's in Belgium, and special for little children, and the most important thing it's BUMBA...
Look at the photo's Noah had so much fun:
Here ends the post tonight, I'm tired so going to bed!!
Thank you all so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment, I love reading them
PS. the Spekkoek is a cake and so very very delicious, you have two kinds of dough white and brown, and put them layer for layer in the oven and after a hour or two it's done... So you need whole the morning for this...but so very delicious
7 opmerkingen:
heel erg mooi allemaal annette.
En ja plopsa land is gewoon te ged voor die klein mannen he.
Je wordt er zelf terug een beetje kind he.
Groetjes sofie
ziet er een hele leuke SAL uit. Leuke foto's van Noah.
Hoe gaat het met de zwangerschap?
Your HM SAL is so cute Annette and Noah looks as though he has had a great time.
Love the SAL! Can't wait to see it completed and how you finish it as you're such a magician with a sewing machine and finishing things. lol
Lovely time you all had at the attractions. I'm sure Noah was as exhausted as you at the end of the day. lol
Happy Monday!
Your Halloween is coming along great!
Looks like Noah had a lovely time Plopsaland :)
Great pictures at the 'Plopsaland', Noah sure looks enjoyed it.
That is such a cute SAL you are working on.
Thank for you kind words again!
yes,The Helga Mandl Designs are always cute and colourfull.
Your pumpkins do all have a different personality ,It could be easy to write a fairytale of them.
Just look at those faces!! :D
I am sure that Noah had a fun day at the Childrens Park...
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