
Please don't use any pictures of Noah and Kira with out my authorization

donderdag 29 oktober 2009


I just was busy stitching on part 2 of the fall SAL, and I came to the conclusion, that I used the wrong color ..grrrrrrrrrrr.., so I pulled it al out again.
I was almost finished.............I can start over again....
Photo next time NOT NOW ............

I have finished part 2 of the Animal SAL.
Of this I do have a photo...hihi

I love the colors of this design, I'm waiting for part 3, tomorrow the others get part 5, so need to catch op still 3 more parts

Chiloe is having a give-away. She is giving away the beautifull magazine De Fil En Aiguille... get to her blog fast and join the draw.

Noah is going to bed early, he is a bit ill and has a fever. I hope it is gone soon, it's such lovely fall weather outside.
Here is a cute photo of him walking yesterday on the sidewalk.

So i'm off going to look for another cute design for a new start, more of that next time, have a great evening everyone.
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment

PS....Willeke look I can put a name instead of the full link. Thank you so much for your help


4 opmerkingen:

Annie zei

So sorry about the frogging. It's a lot more fun to put the stitches in than to take thme out!

I have a cold too so I feel for Noah. Hope it's not a big thing.

Love this Halloween background!

Annelein zei

Your welcome.

Hope your little boy will be much better today!

Mylene zei

Sorry to hear about the frogging, it has visited me today too and lots to frog out so i am thinking of throwing the piece and start a new one.
Hope Noah feels better soon.

Katrien zei

Wat jammer van het verkeerde kleur. Je dierenSAL ziet er goed uit, je zal ons bijgebeend zijn voordat je het weet. Ik hoop volgend weekend deel 5 te doen.