I finished the Summer of the 4 seasons SAL
And of course I started with the Fall. Part 1 is already done, and now need to start part 2 wich I have got last Friday.
And also started with the Animal SAL, I'm 3 parts behind, but the progress is getting fast, because of the small parts.
Then this week I have made 3....... yes 3 trousers!!. And I'm making another one.
The right one is with blue stitches, now I'm making a black trouser also with blue stitches.
AND SOME GREAT NEWS..................
NOAH can walk al alone !! bravo for Noah.
He loves doing it, he walk al day with a big smice on his face. Both hands in the air and giggle around....
I have a photo made of it.
Thanks all for stopping by and leaving a comment.
8 opmerkingen:
Yea for Noah! You better get everything out of his reach now!
The summer piece for the SAL is absolutely adorable. I love that!
Very nice pattern for the trousers!
heel mooi annette.
en dat noah loopt is plezant he dan ga je er nog achter mogen zitten.
Groetjes sofie
Weer een grote mijlpaal in jullie leven . proficiat voor Noah .
Ik had ook veel achterstand voor de SAL's . Heb maar beslist om de dierensal niet meer te doen .
Congrats it's very cute !!! Do you have a picture of the 4 seasons together ? (the finished piece)
Noah: you rock !!!!!!
Congrats to Noah!
The summer piece looks great and so bright colours.
Hoera voor Noah!
Summer Daze ziet er heel leuk uit. Goeie start on je andere SAL's.
Die broeken zien er heel leuk uit. Naaien kan ik niet (nooit geleerd).
Your little boy is adorable - as is your blog! I have added it to my Reader - where in The Netherlands are you? We holiday most years in Gelderland!
You have a lovely blog & the cutest little boy. My little one is 18 now.... they grow so fast.
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