It's not going good with my grandmother, she is dying. We have been there for a couple of days, it's so sad to she her this way. But there was nothing we can do and DH had to work again, so we went home. It's was very difficult to leave her.
Noah is learnig to walk, he had set his first steps whithout help.. Good work Noah...mommy is proud of you...
Tomorrow wo are going to buy some good shoes for him.
Today his nephew Mika was here, he is 17 months, there where playing so sweet together.
Past weekend we where staying with nephew Adam who is almost 4 months, also with him Noah was playing so sweet.
He like's playing with other kids..hihi.
Here is a picture of Noah with de cake:
Last week I also have started on the birthday swings who I'm making of blue and green fabrics.
Here is a picture of the one I have cut so far:
I need to finish some things this week, when they are done then I'm making the swings.
Here is a picute of a cow, also stitched last week:
This one is very nice, can't wait til it's finished.
So hope to do more stitching this week, I have holiday, but I'm doing seasonswork, picking pears.
I do it every year and love doing it...
Hope to post soon again,
Thanks for stopping by and leavinga comment, see you soon.
5 opmerkingen:
heel mooie foto annette.
Noah is echt een knappa jongen.
Gaat later nog veel meisjes verslinden denk ik.
Groetjes sofie
Sorry to hear about your grandmother. These times can be so difficult.
But it's nice to see Noah doing so well. What did he look like after diving into that cake?
Cute picture of Noah.
So sorry to hear about your grandmother.
Heel veel sterkte met oma, Annette! Het is zeker een moeilijke tijd voor jullie allemaal.
Maar wat een leuke foto's van de kleintjes en de taart is geweldig!
Veel liefs, Hetti
Heel veel sterkte deze tijd, Annette, ook voor je familie.
Wat een lekker ventje is jullie Noah!
gr Petra
(peertje bij EMS-site)
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