My grandmother has past away last weekend Septembre the 6th.
The Friday before we went with Noah for the last time, then she was responding well, when Noah laughed or cryed she looked to him and made a sound, it was very nice but also sad to see it.
We miss her a lot, it was such a great and lovely women.
Yesterday was Noah's FIRST birthday.
I has been a year ago that he was born, time flies.
This is a picture of Noah just out of bed and when he saw the slings, he stood still for 30 minutes, he didn't know what he saw.
This the present that he got from us:
He loved to play with it, so it was a good choice.
And then blowing out his first birthday cake candle:
He is such a cute boy and now 1 jear old....
Yesterday we got the friends over with the small children.
Saturday is the party, the family will come then.
They promissed very nice weather (I hope so), we can sit outside than.
Because of all of the above and pears picking I haven't done any stitching.
The birthday slings are done on time, 2 days of sewing and done.
After the party has been I make a picture of the slings.
Here is a picture of the summer exchange from EMS that I have got al the way from Canada:

The pattern is from EMS, we all had to stitch it, and made it into a envelope purse.
Here is the link how to make a envelope purse:
I hope my part for the exchange arrivese soon, it has been a long time on the mail now, and I didn't hear of it arrivel.
I was a very long time from my last post, I promise to blog more.
I also haven't commented all of your blogs, I forgot who I did and didn't.
From now one I hope to keep up.
Thanks all for stopping by
5 opmerkingen:
Happy birthday Noah !!!!! I love the tee shirt ;-)
Sorry about your grand'ma ... hugs.
Sending good thoughts your way. It's hard to lose a grandma.
Noah looks overwhelmed by that fabulous cake! I suspect he adjusted quite well though.
Love that envelope bag and thanks for the link to Hetti's instructions. An interesting twist using the doubled Aida.
Mijn oprechte deelneming bij het overlijden van je grootmoeder.
Hele leuke foto's van je zoontje Noah. Proficiat voor zijn verjaardag.
Die envelop is echt wel prachtig gedaan, een heel leuk idee.
gecondoleerd met je oma.
en Noah, gefeliciteerd met je eerste verjaardag !
heb je net de smaak van het feestvieren te pakken, moet je weer een heel jaar wachten tot je weer jarig bent, flauw he !
Gecondoleerd met het overlijden van je oma en veel sterkte gewenst. ((hugs))
Cute picture of your son. Happy happy Birthday to Noah!
That's a lovely mail art exchange you received.
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