Here are some photos:
You can see, she whares a dress, now I need to full up the dress.
The other stitchers are done with this one, I need too do 2 parts and then I'm done too.
The last one, the other stitchers are also stitching the 4th part, I need to do some stitches and this part is done.
Lady's...... Chocolate!!!!!!
I wonder what I need to stitch above the lovely cow, who is sitting in a bad of choclate i think.
Noah is very glad that I'm more at home now, It was long ago that I picked him out of bed in the morning.
Today we played with his new toys, we made a walk through the town, this afternoon two colleagues come and visite for his birthday, He got a train with al buttons, which came music from, he loved it, tonight we whent bicycles.
A photo when we come back from the bicycles.
When we got home, Noah whent straight to bed and fall asleep.
I'm off for bed too.
Everybody thanks for stopping by, and leaving a comment
3 opmerkingen:
zeer mooi annette.
Je SAL's zien er prachtig uit. Ik vond het wel jammer dat ik voor de koe en summer-sal te laat was, maar gelukkig kan ik hier mee genieten :-)
Great designs you are working on.
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