
Please don't use any pictures of Noah and Kira with out my authorization

zaterdag 25 april 2015

Kingsday decoration and more

Hi all, so there I am again with a mostly crochet post
But first have you all  seen Valerie is back in blogland?
Go over there and leave a sweet comment to welcome her back

  * * *

Then in 3 days it's Kingsday
The days we celebrate the birthday of our King.
My decorations are done, I'm very happy with them, and have all kinds of plans what to make next year. But first enjoy this for a while. It will stay in place till the 5th of May. That's the day we celebrate to liberated from WWII. It's already 70 years ago since we where liberated.
Time flies.

But first let me show you the decorations

 King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima.
Pillow made by Carol

 red-white-blue tulips

What do you think aren't they a beautifull couple??
I made them for a pattern from a book.

The tulips are felted, and so fun to make
The details form the dolls are so perfect and really look like our King and Queen

At the other side in my side window I made Frau Antje
Frau Antje is a Dutch character used in the advertising of cheese.
I forgot to make a close-up of her, but maybe you can see, that she is holding a piece of Cheese underneath her arm.
And the where's special dutch costume.
I need to say, before I looked in this crochet book, I hou van Holland ( I love Holland) I didn't know about her, I googled her and on Wikipedia I came across some information about her.
That fun about blogging, you come across new things and I love to know more about it.
More on the photo is the bench with again the tulips in red-white-blue, and in the middle a gift I got 2 years ago from Valerie and her SuperHubby

In my front window, I wanted also tulips
Next to my big white pots I put the one I shown in my last post, but this time completed with crochet tulips in them.
Kira likes them so much, so often I need to look for teh flowers, and I will find them back on her room, so I promissed her, that I will ame her in hetr favorite color.. 
Above in my front window I wanted a Dutch Garland. Kira helped me making it

She made them from hama beads, I made it in to a garland and hang in on my brench.

I just went looking on my laptop and found this photo, here you can see the three better.

You can see Frau Antje better too.
The basic of all dolls are the same, is even the same als the ones from Xmas and Sinterklaas, only the details and colors are different.

* * * 

Today is the last day off school before two weeks of vacation, and as always in the whole country it's Kingsday-games.
This year at school it was a bit different, as always they start with a Kingsday breakfast, then on the schoolyarn they song and dance the Kingsday 2015 song ( every there is a new one). I have photo's but so many other kids on them, I can tell you it was so fun to see.
After that they organized a sponsored run with teh whole school.
Hubby and me helped to stamp when kids came, it was so fun.
I had no time making pictures of the kids, but a teacher made them. I need to cut the other kids, this one where a bit easy.
40 minutes of running rounds, it was so fun.
Today we had a warm day in the afternoon it was 20 degrees, but in the morning still to cold.
They where asked to where sport-clothing, and I gave them a sweater on it. Look at them running..
The 5th of May they organized a Kidsrun here, so they can do it again. ( pic's will follow).

* * * 

A cooking collage.
When I was making the collage I came across a collage from 2011 I was making the same with Kira.. hihi They looked better then :(   but the tast still yummy ;)
* * Poffertjes * * 

It's a bit the same as pancakes but also not.. LOL.
You used almost the same for the batter ( beslag = NL) only the measurements are different. You eat them with butter and sugar... so yummy.. and in the recipe I found this time they written to bake pieces of apple in butter with cinnamon and sugar... mmmmmm yum yum.
Then as dessert I made carror cake ( we need to eat veggies too..hihihi)
After finding a better spoon to put the batter on teh Poffertjes-pan I hope they will look better again.

* * * 

I have told you Noah was in the newspaper for teh new playground that we are getting across the street.
Monday the started ( too early in the morning....) with the work.
They where told to get it finished by today, I didn't watch today but yesterday it was almost finished.
No we need to wait on all the things they orderd, but in the meanwhile kids are still having so much fun in the sand, dirt, mountain etc etc
And playing football. we are getting a street-court on the right picture you can see the street part is done, only teh fence around it needs to come, but kids are already having so much fun.
Our kids sleep good every night, but now after playing every day there running climming they really sleep like a baby.. hihi

The work people are going to try to finish it totally before summer.
So fingers crossed, that would be so awesome.. I think I need to move to the playground to see my kids then.. hihihi

* * * 

The warm weather was also good so the garden could get greener..
It has
 green green green with some white flowers
 I cut the tree's, above the swing and on the rght the clematis are getting in bloom
Look at this tree.. it's getting there.. 
Next post a picture totally in bloom

I see it's after midnight.
Tomorrow morning the alarm clock will go off for swim class for nOah, so I'm off to bed.,
Have great weekend all, and please help me with some more sun.. we will get rain rain rain.. I know my garden needs it.. but kids are having 2 weeks of vacation.. please no 2 weeks of rain.........

I Wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!! 
 I love reading them!!
 ♥ Have a great day ♥

maandag 20 april 2015

Forgotten Easter crafts, clothing and more

Hi all,
Do you see this much???
I love reading and looking on blogs, but in all the years I found to many blogs I like, and my bloglovin is still growing.

So from time to time, I love seeing this, also when it's just for 5 minutes..
Well, for now it's already a hour the same.. hihi..
But not for long I think.

So write some lovely post, the evening is still young, enough time to read.
I think I will write another post

# # #

In my last easter post I totally forgot to show you the Easter crafts I made, and put down for decoration, so here they are
 This is the wooden egg I got from my BIL last year, I painted it white, the decoration in the little Easter tree is what I made this year, In the collage below you can see them better
 In this Easter piece I put the same bunny's, and also made a felted doll, a little one, In the collage you see it better, it's holding a dallodil in his hands. so sweet.
I forgot to make a close up from the tulips there are in it, but I need them for a other project so they will come back

Kids always have there own easter tree on the diner table, they worked hard to fill it!!
I decorated the rest

Now it's all back in boxes.

And really new decoration is on the places

Net week we celebrate Kingsday, In the Netherlands is real tradition to celebrate the birthday of our King ( or Queen, for so many years it was Queensday)
I normally don't decorate the house, but as my kids love it all, and I love my kids ( I started making things, and by seeing some awesome pattern, i really need to start making things

Here you can see a thing what I've been making

 Tulips are really Dutch, I found a lovely pattern, to put it in a cover.
In there need to come also Tulips, still working on them..

# # #

Yesterday we had a communion of a nephew.
The very first time I saw one ( and more will follow) lovely too see it all.
I'm not religion, but my in-laws are Catholic.
It's also a fun way of seeing the family.
Next year my God-child will do his Communion, and then more nephew's and nieces will follow.

The only thing I know about a communion is that kids are always so beautifull dressed, so I found it a good reason to put my sewing machine one the table again ( really have to do it more often).
This is what I made for the kids
For Kira a dress white with red polka-dots.. only the fabric is super cute!!
Made a red bolero for on it. I found some cute white balet flat's ( her first one's, I always walk on those in the summer), with socks that have a lace.
Under a dress like that in my mind girls always have socks with lace.. hihi and I found them.
In her hair 2 lovely braids with red ribbon.
For Noah I had such lovely clothing in his closet, but I wanted to make also something for him. So made again a pattern for a gilet. This looks so simple but when you sew it wrong you hear a lot of *^%%*#E$@&#$W&ET..... I needed to cute it smaller, It just fit him, and he loved it so much.
Noah is a boy who can wear a tie every day, he just loves it.
I also found some lovely cheap neat shoes for him.
When they both put the shoes on, they where white.. Now BROWN.... 
Note to my self    -> never buy white shoes again
But the kids looked so pretty, and where so sweet.
Best kids of the world!!!

It was a drive of almost 2 hours and also back, we saw so many beautifull things.
Keukenhof  ( a Spring flower parc, still love to go there one day) is very famous in the Netherlands, we where near that, so many flowers we saw.
On the way home we went near by Schiphol, our biggest airport.
So we saw enough
In a town nearby where we needed to be was a celebration weekend it was 70 years ago when they where liberated so with flowers where made many special things, like this Zebra, all made of flowers. I saw so many things, but we drove to hard hard for a good picture ( we didn't want to be late in church..hihi)
And special for hubby and the kids, at the end we went to BurgerKing for some French fries and Burgers.

# # #

I still have more things to show but that's for a another post.

I finally also finsihed this Shrug/vest this weekend, but haven't made pic's.
Tomorrow it will be 19 degrees, so I can wear it and will take pictures of it also on me..
More in my next post.
Need to think which clothing I will crochet now.. I love having a simple project..

Have a great evening all

I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!! 
 I love reading them!! 
 ♥ Have a great day ♥

zaterdag 11 april 2015

Late Hoppe Easter and my run

So there I am again.

My blogging is the same as my crafting. Sometimes I craft many days, and sometimes none.. lol.
But as last time  have much to show you all

Last weekend it was Easter, this blog post was then planned, but here we are.
We had fun, did great things, and my camera was there with me so let me show you what we did

As you see the weather is getting better. We had rain and sun at Easter. So we where inside and outside. Also a lovely bike ride at the dike/water. Is was lovely.
We painted eggs, baked bread  ( first time, it was fun so not the last time!!) and most important ( hubby got always says that my thing, but as you can see he is also good at it)

And looking for eggs that's still the most fun thing. At Hubby's job they organised a Easter-brunch with a easter egg hunt.. and also 2 big fake-eggs where hidden by the Easter bunny, as Noah was very enthusiastic he found one and also got a big gift.. lucky boy!!

♥ ♥ ♥

Some of you are waiting for my run-info??
oke, here it comes.. 
I had so much fun, the only bad things was the weather-> Hard wind and much rain.
But that didn't spoiled the fun.
Ow it was raining so much,..
When you hate photo's never let them take photo's when you are running.. lol!!

Then my finish!!
I have a little movie of that hubby made
ow yes I made it the 5km.
My very first time.
And let my show you how good I did it

Can you see the number 8???
!!!!  That was my place !!!!
After 6 months of running, doing a run and I come as 8th over the finish from all 233 runners

So I think you can imagine how I felt!

And as you can hear in the movie ( really hope it does it) hubby and my kids too
So now next to crafting, cooking/baking, working in the garden, I have  a new addition runnning..
HELLUP.. need more time in a day/week.year :P

♥ ♥ ♥

Last post I told you how proud Noah was that his name came in the newspaper..
It got even better last week.
Now he is again in the newspaper, BUT... with picture!!
And next to him his girlfriend looking at him ( you can't see that, but ow so sweet)

I love the picture so much, I emailed the paper, If I could get the photo, they gave me the email of the photographer, and she send me a email back with the beautifull photo that she made, and calles him a beautifull boy ♥ ♥ ♥.
I live across a little playground and  behind that is a football lawn.
This year they are going to change it to something new as slowly they are changing our district.
All the kids of our district could choose what they wanted in the playground, and the newspaper came to make pictures!!
Now choose the pirate-playground, and it won.. kids are all so happy.
!!! Now fingers crossed it will be finished before the summer !!!

We need to scan the papers both soon for the remember.

♥ ♥ ♥

We didn't only bake the Easter bread but also Eclaires.
mmmmm yum yum
I'm told we need to make them more often.. lol!!
But I have to much more idea's for baking.. 

♥ ♥ ♥

Yesterday we had our first summer day of the year!
Kids had so much fun, Kira even went upstairs to put on her swimming suit.

Today we had much rain, but this week we will get more beautifull summer weather.
I'm already working in the garden.. 

As you can see also with my crochet hook!!
hihihi =))

 The garden is getting greener by the day!

And my beautifull MAGNOLIA that I planted last year is in bloom for teh very first time!
I love flowers in bloom!!
More are coming..

  ♥ ♥

So I'm off to go watch my new addiction Nashville ( it's also a bit in my way for crafting) 

I really love the drama in it!

I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!! 
 I love reading them!!
 ♥ Have a great day ♥