So that mean I only had 1 post in May. =( that for the first time..
Let’s start with the goals from May :$ :$
Start crocheting a pillow case. Oops.. :( :( :( :( nothing done on this, still thinking what kind of treat I wanne use for it.. I’m thinking of sewing a few first that’s faster..
I want new ones, got tired of te old ones. ;)))
Start on Kira’s stitching owl. That a goal I’ve been doing.. and liking it very much.
The pink color I using is so pretty, and the fabric is feeling so soft, just a soft as the treats.
Here you can see how far I got

Start on Noah’s blue lamp crochet cover. Nope.. ;( also nothing done.. just forgot about it.. ;(
But the year is almost on the helft so I have time enough to start it..
Crafts birds for may and make a X-mas ornament..
On both a nope too ;(
Didn’t think of to it too.
But then my last goal painting my front window vases.. Yes I have done it.. and even a mirror..
Kira fell with the hall shoe-cabinet so I wanted to buy one the kids can’t fall with, and the new one is white, buy the mirror from the old one not.. so painted that also.
It’s hanging again, but need to paint one more time.. Here you can see the vases.. I really love it.

In my last post I mention that I’m making dolls out of felt. I started with the faces.
I made a few more, and made eye’s and a mouth on them. I’m loving them.. so cute..

These have to wait a while to be finished. I ‘ve started a bit bigger one.. also very cute and I’m making it for Kira.
More of it I hope in my next post.. can’t tell more about it, I’m so loving my new hobby =))))))
I had still a order that I had to finish, and I did. On time A birthday garland for a boy that turned 2 this past weekend. I’m so happy with the end result.. loce the colors..
Made photo’s in the garden but you can’t see the letters that good, so made a picture inside also.
I love it, and the new owner also.

Then Kira’s little dress.
Here I have a old photo. In my next post I’m making a sewing post you can see the end result.
But for now a end result of the top part piece of crochet.. Curious for the end result???
You al need to wait… hihihihi Here the WIP

( pppssssttt... facebook members wanne look at the end-result??)
A colleague had her birthday and I wanted to make her something. Look what I did:::::

It's a bag made of towels and dishcoth. If you take it apart, you can use it in the kitchen.
I made another one for Saskia, who toghter with her daughter Dominique came and visit us with Pentecost (Pinksteren in Dutch)

Dominique (9 years) made me a beautifull drawing

She is taking draw-lessons.. can you see... she does it so beautifull.
Saskia also brought me something great homemade strawberrie jam and look how she decorated it

Saskia and Dominique thank you so much. =))) we al had a great day!!
Then I have such a sweet mailwomen ( hihihih ).. Look at what she brought me:

What would be in there??? Courios?? I am...
Look at this

Sweet sweet sweet Nia send this. Beautifull hair pins for little Kira.. and I love them also so much..
Thank you so much my dear!!! =))))))
And paper for me, I can try and do some folding with it... that's something what has been a long long time ago since I done that..
Your to sweet Nia
Saterday I have been cooking at my job togheter with a daughter of a patient. We cooked for 22 people. And made 3 courses.
The patients and some of my colleagues help with making it all.
We started with asparagus soup.
Then we had asparagus, ham, eggs and mashed potatoes
As dessert we had custard with strawberrie, whipped-cream and sprinkles.
We al eat so much and it was so yummy..
I love doing it..
Yesterday we had a party, a uncle turned 70. The kids had so much fun playing with al the kids.
Here some cute pictures.

Noah was eating with all teh other kids.. and he eat a LOTTT.
There was a clown who painted the kids, Noah, doesn't like that, so I tryed Kira..taadaa
And then some beautifull flowers .. ;)
Peonies ;)

I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!
♥ Have a great day ♥
12 opmerkingen:
So many fun projects! Can't wait to see those little dolls turn into 'people'.
You've been a busy lady!
so nice to see all gorgeous pieces of your works and all the pictures. the header picture i too cute.
Wat een lang verhaal weer!
Je zit niet stil, dat is duidelijk.
De popjes gaan erg schattig worden!
You have made so many beautiful things Annette! And those doll faces are wonderful, I can't wait to see the finished dolls. :) And I'm really curious to see what your crochet WIP will be. :) Loved the pictures of Noah and Kira, what beautiful blue eyes they have! :)
wat een verhaal weer, jij zit echt niet stil.
de tekening ligt nu op school, ze wilde 'm uiteraard ook aan de juf laten zien. en die heeft gezegd dat ze dominique later vast tegen komt in boeken, dat ze dan de illustrator is.....
As I told you on FB I love your bag and the dress you made for Kira
Lovely =)
Your bag is just fantastic
many goals that are ending in a lovely way, all of them, bravo
You also received great gifts, woooo
I love Nia's pins. I wish I was a little girl to wear some =)
can't wait to see you dolls, the faces are already cute
happy June full of crafts sweetie =)
and Kira and Noah are growing and becoming even cuter, what blue eyes they have =)
big hugs
Love the handbag ♥ it's so original!!!!
Can't wait to see the dress you made for Kyra :) (btw, I just started to crochet :) I'm a newbie...but enjoying it a lot!)
Looking forward to seeing the dolls their sweet faces *Ü*
Kira and Noah have the prettiest blue eyes, Annette!! Just like their mother??
Love seeing all of your latest creations--the doll making will be especially fun! Can't wait to see what cute little outfits you put them in... As always your creativity impresses me--who would ever have thought of making the bag out of dish towels!!
Lovely gifts from dear Nia and Saskia :) Kira will look so pretty in her new hair pins!
Enjoy your week--it sounds like life is very, very busy for you right now :)
Jeetje Annette wat ben je druk geweest met al die leuke en mooie spulletjes te maken. Alles ziet er even mooi en lief uit, vooral de foto's van de kid's. De jurk van Kira heb ik af gezien op facebook, helemaal geweldig.
Lieve groetjes van Marion
I LOVE YOUR BANNER!!!! :D ahahahhaha
So cute! Your babies having fun and with so much color on that photo! Love it! :D
Are you posting only one time each month?!?! no way! You better not, I want to read more often!!! hahaha ;)
You always do so many things! That's why you forget your blog hehehe your mind is always on the next project! :D
Can't wait to see more on your pink owl :)
White vases are so pretty! My favorites around here too ;)
ohhh those dolls are so cute! look at their faces =)) adorable! the cutest!! I want to see more :D and maybe later you can gather all the pictures and teach us how to make them too :) it would be fantastic!! :D
Is a dress coming from there? Yes, I am curious! :D
How cool!! :D How did you learn how to make that bag? :D
I've seen a few things, always stuff for babies that we can make for baby showers ;) but it's the first time I see something with kitchen towels! And something for a grown up :D hahaha Really cool ;)
Applauses for Dominique! Only 9 yo? Great job :D
You got some very nice gifts :) I'm happy to know you liked mine too =) It's the same origami paper that I used last month for the dresses ;) You can make something else for Kira, there're a lot of tutorials on the web ;) Did you understand why I was sending you that thread? It's for Welcome Spring by Barbara Ana :) but if you don't feel like stitching it, don't worry, save it for something else you'd like ;) It was just something I remembered you could like =)
Ufff.. I think I might be writting a post here hahahaha me and my big comments :D Sorry sweetie =) but it's your fault! You're blogging do much stuff, I have to write too! LOL :D
Your babies are the cutest!!!! :D You can be very proud!!! heheheeh Adorable =)))
hugs to you and your beautiful family :) a bunch of kisses my friend!!!
... did I hit a comment size record? :p hahahahahahahahah
sorry sweetie =)
Hello Annette!
I have so missed to visit your sweet blog ,no I have not forgotten You my dear!! :) :)
As allways you have done many lovely things,especially Barbara Ana
spring biscornu is very cute -I love the bumble bees! :)
Lovely peonies and the cupcakes you made were awesome :)
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