Someone know the movie of my subtitel??
One off my favorites movies off al times!
I have so many things I still needed to show and say.
So here I start.
5 things I need to tell about myself for the Liebster blog award
* I love listing to the radio.. whole day long.. mostly when the kids are in the living it's childrens music... I turn it on when I wake up and turn it off when I go too sleep.. ;P
* At the moment my hair is very long the last time I went to the hairdresses was 6 weeks before Kira's birth... so It's time.. I love going but hate making time for it.. can you understand my dilemma? ;))))
* I always wanne make so much my head is full of idea's at the end of the months mostly nothing is made.. that's way my goals.. it's good for me
* For those off you don't know where I work... I work in a nursing home.. mostly doing evening shifts, but sometimes the morging or night( like last weekend)
* Then the last one it need to go about my kids I so love them so much...
Yesterdag Noah asked me if he could craft.. that's like music to my
So that where the 5 things.. I also still need to name a lot of bloggers who also need to get the Liebster award, but beacause of lak of time, please if you have a blog with lesser then 200 followers take this award from me...
I wanted to make her something, but what do you make for someone who makes all the things you can think off..
I now she hates the sewingmachine and love knitting..
So I made her a knitting case in her favorite colors ; blue-red-white

On her blog you can see want see made of with all her knitting things
Miek also spoiled us to much, made fingers mittins for me and DH for in the winyter so that we can work on the laptop or me crafting without getting cold fingers, and many more.. I see now I don't have it all on a pic, but you can understand that she spoiled us..

Then our Easter, beside that I had to work we had a great Easter.. with a lot of crafting and visiters...hihi
Here is al little collage of it all.

With Miek we went to a farm to see the baby lambs and cows
Ow and I also made a mistake.. my counting was wrong... I'm blogging for 3!!! Sorry ;))
Then I have something to say... My sweet Dh lost his job weeks ago.. It's wasn't a nice time, but after rain always come sunshine and so did it with us... He got a new job, He likes it very much, He started Monday. It's tottally different from what he did before, but so nice..
At my job the help me so much.. I worked a lot the past weeks, and still am.
This week we also had a meating and not everyone know about it so I baked some cupcakes for it and tell about it...

You all can have a virturial cookie... lol ;))))
Then my crafting.. I'm making a lot of WIP's.. with sewing crochet soon there will be more stitching to...
So again let's start at the very beginning.
Kira's first summerdress

If you see these colors... want do you think... I'm thinking ..... SUMMER...
I want summer.... I so love the colors..
It will be a complete summer outfit soon more.. I lost something from my sewing machine ordered a new one, so need to wait for it to finish it of...
I want summer.... I so love the colors..
It will be a complete summer outfit soon more.. I lost something from my sewing machine ordered a new one, so need to wait for it to finish it of...
Then also started on the second dress for Kira, this week be part sewn part crochet.. I started the crochet.. This is my at work piece.. I always take it with me for when I have a break

Love these colors.. This will be a dress making wthout a pattern.. and wanne make it very cute so that will take a while.
Then I also still working on Kira's blanket.. All the squares are done, there are all togheter.. but still need to remove alllllll those tail.... I don't like that but It will be such a cute when It's finished

I'm also starting things for Noah if your wondering but need to wait a bit.. Noah still have some clothe sfrom last year that fits .. Kira don'
Then I'm also working on 2 B-day gifts... One I can't show because it's for my nephew who turned 4, and my in-laws look at my blog.. the next is for my neighbor girl who is also turning 4 and love's Hello Kitty

I think you all know what this is going to be... lol... ;P
I think I have shown you all he still needed to do..
The weather here is not really Springy... Today we have a lot of sun.. ( They said rain so didn't put my laundry outside... no rain to see today) but we had a lot of rain..
My garden is growing so beautifull.. Even my big fruit tree.. For the first time I have flowers in it.. Next time you will get I pic, then I have more flowers in it I think..
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!
I love reading them!!
14 opmerkingen:
zo nu ben ik eens de eerste vandaag. wat een verhaal heb je er weer van gemaakt. het weer is idd prut, ik heb behoefte aan zon en warmte.
gelukkig maar dat ramon weer lekker aan het werk is.
ik hoop van het weekend echt weer eens wat te gaan freubelen, laatste dagen hier niks van terecht gekomen :-(
je deken bijna af, nu de blauw groene voor noah
hmmm zomerjurkjes, konden ze maar vast aan he, ik moet ook eens aan de rokjes gaan beginnen hier
Uhhh...welk sprookje is het nou?
Al je werkjes zien er weer super uit!
En wat een leuk cadeau heb je gemaakt en gekregen!
Annette wat heb je weer een mooi verslag gemaakt van alle dingen die je bezig houd. Met de foto's erbij hoeven we onze fantasie niet te gebruiken. De laatste foto is echt de mooiste, je schatjes van kid's.
Lieve groetjes van Marion
Looks like a really fun Easter. Love all those pretties from Miek and I'm sure she loved your gift as well.
Good to see you still get in crafting here and there with your busy schedule.
Kira is so cute looking up and admiring big brother!
oh, wat kijkt die Noah als een braaf boefje!
het is een geweldige foto van de beide schatjes!
ik zie dat er nog genoeg eieren geverfd konden worden hahaha.
Hi Annette
What a great post, you have been so busy.
You got some lovely presents from your friend, love the mitts.
Your cakes look delicious.
I'm glad to hear that your husband has a new job and that he likes it.
Your children are just gorgeous.
Hope you have a lovely weekend.
"Let's start at the very beginning; a very good place to start!" Yes, the Sound of Music is one of my favorite movies, too, Annette :)
I just love, love, love that photo of Kira and Noah. How sweet she looks with her big blue bow and Noah is looking so grown up and handsome--they are adorable!
Sewing and baking and crocheting--oh my! You are one busy crafter. Everything looks great! I'm sure they just love you at the nursing home when you bring in those goodies!
Now: "Adieu, adieu, to you and you and you!" Enjoy your weekend, my friend!
A great post, Annette! You sure a busy-bee!!!
Love the last pic...oh so cute!!
Have a happy weekend!
yum yum, thanks for the virtual cookie, it was delicious =D
Delicious, that sounds also perfectly with your kids :)
you're a busy bee but you're doing great things
keep the rhythm =D
take care my sweet Petite Anne
biiiiiig hugs from France
Hi sweetie!!! I missed you!! And I'm behind on blog reading :p sorry =)
I don't know that movie.. I have to look it up! Maybe I know with a different title, not sure!
Rui and I are both like you when it comes to music, our house has always music and sometimes.. a crazy couple singing or dancing around ahhahhaha
I hate going to the hairdresser! I really hate! heheeh
Those crochet flowers are so pretty!! Lovely :) Pretty gift exchange that you both made! Did you meet on the blogsphere first?? :)
I'm happy for your DH!! Wish him lots of luck and sucess on his new job!!! :D
Ohhh I'm tasting your cookies with my eyes, those little hearts are delicious!! :D hahahaha
You've been a busy bee!! :D
Kira's summer dress is so pretty :D great color choice ;)
You've been crafting a lot!! :D Love to see so much here!!
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Noah and Kira so cute!!! =) Kira is adorable and Noah will start crushing some hearts very soon!!! hehehehe Huge kiss for both :D
And a hug of the size of the world to you my sweet friend!!! hugs hugs hugs :)
oh well.. long long lonnggg comment :p you know me!!! hahahahah :D
zo'n prachtige foto's allemaal. Het cupcakeje heeft gesmaakt ;)
Leuk dat je met Miek had afgesproken, ik heb nog nooit iemand van EMS of uit blogland ontmoet, moet zo leuk zijn. Heel leuke cadeau's hebben jullie uitgewisseld!
Goodness you have been so busy!! Can't wait to see the dress especially :)
Zo, ik ben er echt voor gaan zitten om het allemaal te lezen Annette ;-) Fijn dat je DH weer een baan gevonden heeft in deze moeilijke tijd. Jij hebt ook niet stil gezeten met al het mooi's wat je gemaakt hebt! En dan die enige foto van de 2 lieverdjes....geweldig! Echt op hun paasbest!
Veel plezier, ik ga weer verder opruimen voor de verhuizing, groetjes,
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