Here she is.. my post about my lovely Panda Day's
Let's begin with the last stitches I needed to finish
I so love these flowers and the color.
They give such a romantic feeling
I fell in love with the flowers, that's why I needed to stitch..
And off course the cute cute Panda
He is sitting there so cute with his best friend.
Love is in the air..
(it's still February =))))
Are you getting tired yet on Panda Day's......I have some more pic's of it

Can you see aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the cute little light green french knots??
It are so many, and so small. ;)
Only to bad you can't see them very good.
Just like the color green backstitches on the leaf and the grey on the branch.
But ow so beautifull is it all.
Your ready for the whole photo?
Isn't it beautifull??
I so love it... It's going to hang in my hallway..
When you enter the front door that's the first thing you see..
But first need to frame it, and that needs to wait a little bit.
But what do you think a frame with glass or without glass???
Can you understand why I fell in love with this piece :)))
Still am.. :P Now need to think about my next piece..
I think that will be a Easter piece.. just saw the cutest piece..
I wanne with you all a good sunday..
I'm going to visit all your blogs.. I'm 5 days behind...
PS.. thank you all about your lovely comment about my previous post.. me and Noah as a clown
Let's begin with the last stitches I needed to finish
They give such a romantic feeling
I fell in love with the flowers, that's why I needed to stitch..
And off course the cute cute Panda
Love is in the air..
(it's still February =))))
Are you getting tired yet on Panda Day's......I have some more pic's of it
It are so many, and so small. ;)
Only to bad you can't see them very good.
Just like the color green backstitches on the leaf and the grey on the branch.
But ow so beautifull is it all.
Your ready for the whole photo?
I so love it... It's going to hang in my hallway..
When you enter the front door that's the first thing you see..
But first need to frame it, and that needs to wait a little bit.
But what do you think a frame with glass or without glass???
Can you understand why I fell in love with this piece :)))
Still am.. :P Now need to think about my next piece..
I think that will be a Easter piece.. just saw the cutest piece..
I wanne with you all a good sunday..
I'm going to visit all your blogs.. I'm 5 days behind...
PS.. thank you all about your lovely comment about my previous post.. me and Noah as a clown
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!
23 opmerkingen:
Het is ongelooflijk mooi geworden !
het is zoooooooooo'n schatje is such a lovely piece of work...
Proficiat! Hij is echt een schatje! :)
Dit heb ik ook geborduurd, maar niet volledig - middendeel 80 x 80. Het was mijn deel van Robin op EMS eigen thema voor Vanessa.
Geweldig zet, wat is deze mooi geworden, super gewoon!
Groetjes, Amarins
Wat mooi!! En zo lief...
This Panda piece is really cute! And I love the flowers too, Annette! There are so lovely and romantic as you said. The lotus on the water are cute too.
That is just the sweetest picture!!! You do such lovely work Annette! :)
*squee* This is sooo pretty, Annette! I LOVE those delicate little flowers. Your close-up photos are great ~ we can see just how perfect your stitching is!
PS: Please visit my blog and read this post about word verification:
This piece is SO cute!
That is so cute! Can see why you are so happy with it!
happy stitching....
Annette wat een lieffie en dan die zachte tintjes die doen het helemaal.
Lieve groetjes van Marion
Schiet al lekker op!
Het word wel heeeel erg leuk!
Groetjes Thea ♥
Aww...I can see why you love it so much, Annette--what beautiful work you do. All of that back stitching adds so much to the final result--well done!!
this is absolutely gorgeous !
and congrats for the French knots =D
the design was already very cute and you did such a great job, I love :)
big hugs
He is just the cutest! I love pandas!
ik houd ook van bloesem, die zachte pasteltinten zo mooi.
het is een mooi werkstuk geworden, maar zoals ik vaker doe, zonder glas, je franse knoopjes worden niet plat gedrukt en daglicht kan niet spiegelen.
maar ik heb natuurlijk ook geen kinderhandjes in huis.
The most beautiful thing =)
lovely lovely lovely! really beautiful =)))) I'm in love sweetie!!! :D
Awww isn;t he just adorable!!! Wonderful work sweetie. I can;t wait to see the next project.
Hope your having a good week, hugs!
Such a sweet design Annette! Love it!
Another one to add to my ever growing to-do list :)
he's adorable. Those detail-pics really show how much work it much and how well you did it, congrats!
ce modèle est superbe! félicitations!
pouvez-vous me dire le créateur et où je peux trouver la grille s'il-vous-plait. En effet je suis enceinte et mon mari a craqué sur ce modèle et j'aimerais le faire en tableau de naissance.
Merci par avance!
this model is superb! Congratulations!
can you tell me the designer and where I can find the grid-if you like. Indeed I am pregnant and my husband fell for this model and I'd like to do in birth chart.
Thank you in advance
Your panda is ADORABLE! Great job Annette :o) You should be so proud of this piece.
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