As I promissed.. a post full with yummy.. so if you are watching those calories, do not read any further...hihi
To start with the ones for Kira's birthday.. It was so great to make them al..
My sweet stepsister helped me, it was so great to do it together
My sweet stepsister helped me, it was so great to do it together
As you can see 2 apple-pie's. In every party you need to have
As you can see one fell apart.. to bad but still tasted so good.
As you can see one fell apart.. to bad but still tasted so good.

And as always, what's a child birthday without a wipe-cream pie,
good for the wipe-cream

And for the beautifull little girl I made a CUTEEEEE Hello Kitty Pie.

It was some work but I think it turned out great..
I made around pie, pinned a paper on it in the shape op hello Kitty,
then cute it out, decorated it and taadaa =))))))

I also wanted to make Hello Kitty cupcakes, I already had baked the cupcakes but no time to decorate them, so my stepsis did that, and look how beautifull she did :))))
And that not all what I made.
My FIL turned 60 2 weeks ago, he didn't celebrate it on his birthday, but later this year,
60 you only turns that ones, so as a suprise becase we weher coming I also baked a cake (together with the garland from my preview post)

They loved it... They are so glad with a baking DIL ;)))))))))))))))
Then almost 2 weeks ago, I had my anniversay at my job, I'm working there for 10 (TEN) years now.. so another oppertunity to bake a cake

WE only celebrate at 12,5, but I wanted to do it
That are all the cake's.. Hungry yet??
I am!!!
I also have done some stitching..
I finish my first finish of 2012 and my first goal of February.
So in love with my cute snowdrop (thanks Olga)
Isn't a Cutie-pie
Then to finish this post a lovely picture of my kids in our beautidull snow
In my next post more stitching update's
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!
21 opmerkingen:
Oh, my, everything looks so yummy, Annette!! I think I gained 5 pounds just reading this post and that's not good since I have my yearly physical exam at the doctor's tomorrow :)
Your Hello Kitty cake is so sweet! And what wonderful pies and cakes for Kira and your FIL. Congratulations on your 10 year work anniversary, too.
Love that photo with the windmill in the background--just beautiful!!
Annette, you're so clever at cake-making, well done you, they all look delicious.
Belated birthday wishes to Kira, how quickly that first year has passed, she and Noah are both cuties xxx
Wat een geweldig mooie taarten heb je gemaakt!
JAMMIE JAMMIE JAMMIE, het is maar goed dat ik net mijn boterhammetjes op heb
Be careful... those cakes look so good that you could easily over-eat. Too much yummy temptation there!
loiks like you've been eating lots of yummy desserts lately :)
love the hello kitty cake you made for Kira
What gorgeous desserts! I'm sitting and drooling!
The Hello Kitty one is amazing!
mmmm lekker als dessertje was dat er zekers wel ingegaan. Wat een mooie taarten zeg... je mag trots zijn op jezelf.
groetjes cindy
Wow! Those yummies sure look tasty
My favorite is Hello Kitty you did a very nice job on it and the cupcakes too
I love that snowdrop, I must really stitch it, it's all over the blogs.
Jeetje, wat heb je talent! of heb je bakkers opleiding gedaan? Het ziet heel, heel lekker uit (waarschijnlijk ook heerlijk smaakt, maar helaas dat kunnen we niet proeven). Oh, dat sneeuwklokje....... prachtig!
Wat een heerlijke taarten heb je gemaakt Annette wat zal iedereen heerlijk gesmuld hebben.
Het sneeuwklokje is heel lief en de foto van de kinderen helemaal het einde.
Lieve groetjes van Marion
wow, those look fantastic. You're really an artist!
Hello hello Annette
Today I am just passing by (I need to go to sleep...the new professional project is taking me so much time...and the result is I miss all of you and bloging :/
Big kiss and love the Kira and Noah pict !!!
wow !
what wonderful cakes you made !!
Hello Kitty so well done !
I just want to cross the screen and taste them all =D
You last picture is absolutely fabulous !!!
big hugs
So many cakes!! :D I like the candle on Kitty's nose :p LOL
heheheh that tradition of whip cream picture is so cool :D I have to make that with my future kids ;) hahaha
You did a fantastic job with the kitty cake! Really, I'm impressed how you were able to cut it! Really great :D Cute idea for the cupcakes too :D You were both to crafty ladies! Congrats!!
oh!!! that snowdrops was the same I was stitching last december, remember? :) But I gave up on mine because it wasn't looking good =/ I think it was a bad fabric, I was stitching in a rustic linen, the shape was a mess! =(
I need to do it again on a nicer fabric :) Yours looks so pretty :)
I love snowdrops, I looked for some to plant here but couldn't find them =( I will have to look along the year so I have some on my garden next winter :)
I LOVE the last pict!!!! Amazing :D
Hugs&Smiles to you my friend!!!
and as usually.. I wrote too much :p LOL
All of the cakes and pies look so good! And you did a wonderful job on the Hello Kitty cake! So cute!
All those cakes and pies....I'm drooling all over my computer here! LOL! What a great job on the Hello Kitty cake and cupcakes!
Wowww !! Annette ! Zo veel en zo knap gemaakt allemaal.
Het kwijl loopt bijna over mijn toetsenbord. Lekker !!
Je taarten zijn allemaal supergoed gelukt, en die ene appeltaart, wel ja, da's ideaal om zo hier en daar van te pikken zonder een groot stuk te 'moeten' op eten ;-) perfect voor die kleine gaatjes.
Prachtige foto ook !!
yummy, yummy, yummy and all beautifully made. Great job!
OMG...i think i missed lots of your posts...shame on me...
so nice to see yummy looking cakes and pie
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