1 thing I can't tell you but the others I can tell...=)))
I have been away.. and we had snow :) ;) ;) :)
Friday morning we drove too the Ardennes in Belgium, together with the family of DH. We all sat in one house a very beautifull and BIG house =)). We had a great time and with the snow.. really the time of our lifes..
Kids had so much fun.. the first time that Kira saw snow.
Here you can see some pic's of all the snow.
MIL&FIL... thank you so much for a great weekend
As a suprise... oke..( they hope I will do it) so it wasn't a big suprise I baked a pie
I have a lot to show you all.
I have been sewing Xmas clothes for Noah, Kira and me... so beautifull, but not totally finished, need to attach the buttons.
And many more... but had bad light not good for pic's... but they will come!!
Happy stitching =))))
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!
♥ Have a great day ♥
15 opmerkingen:
Hello hello Annette,
Such a greate time !!! Snow and cake iiiiieeeeeiiii :-)
Big kiss my dear
Oh, how cute little Kira looks in her pink snowsuit! And you can tell Noah is thrilled with all the white stuff... Glad you all had such a great weekend!
glad to know you had a nice time at snow..the pie looks pretty and yummy
leuk al die sneeuwfoto's en de taart ziet er zalig uit
heel erg leuk annette.
Hier geen sneeuw alle ja een beetje maar laat het mij zo zeggen en heeeeel dun laagje.
Groetjes sofie
Oooh je hebt een 'sneeuwvakantie' gehad ! Ik wil ooook sneeuw ! ;-)
je taartje ziet er superleuk uit, knap gedaan !!
Ik kan niet wachten tot ik al je laatste werkjes kan bewonderen !
So great to have all those photos of the first time Kira saw snow! The kids seem to really love it.
And that pie looks amazing!
Snow is so pretty and I can see lots of fun too!! :D But I can imagine the cold!! ohhhh brrrrrr... freezing there :p ehhehe
I love your email card =)))) thank you!!! =)
Oh! did you made those flowers on the cake? That looks so pretty!! :) I can see where Noah gets his baking skills ;) hehehe
Hugs&Smiles to you :)
Heerlijk eventjes weg en ook meteen sneeuw! De foto's spreken boekdelen Annette, wat zien ze er leuk uit en zo te zien geniet vooral Noah ervan ;-))
Het is echt zo'n taart om meteen je tanden in te zetten, heerlijk.....
Wat fijn dat jullie zo fijne vakantie hadden , je ziet zo op de foto's dat de kinderen het echt wel leuk vonden !! De eerste sneeuw is dan ook telkens iets bijzonder !! EUH ..... De taart ziet er ook bijzonder uit mmmmmm....
wat ziet die taart er heerlijk uit. Je bent echt een keukenprinses!
Leuke foto's van jullie uitje.
Fabulous snow photo's
That is one pretty pie
Thank you so much for the pretty heart ornie, I love it! I just received it about an hour ago, so sweet to think of me
Annette wat een schattige foto's van de kinderen en het plezier straalt er vanaf. Fijne feestdagen gewenst!!!!
Lieve groetjes van Marion
What a fun time you all had in the snow!! I'm looking forward to seeing all your projects too! :)
Cute pics. It seems you have as much snow as we do =D. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
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