I had another try to sell somthing..... on 2 different days.
That also a reason I was so busy, because I was making some new things.
Not all I can show, because one of the new items is also a Sinterklaas gift, but the other things I can show
Also tryed out a bow of a hairpin, but that's a work in progress...lol
Everybody liked what I made, but nowone bought something :(:(.... oke that a bit of a lie... I sold 2 hairpins....lol..=))))))))(in 2 days..) But I had a lot of fun...
The first day I did got a order for a b-day garland, and on the second day a order for my new item..
While sitting there and standig there and sitting again and drinking a lot of tea, especially on the second day because it was so cold, so we drunk a lot of tea to keep warm... 2 euro for a paper cup of hot water... never doing that again... but because of the cold you want it... my botlles of cold water wasn't enough...lol..
The first day I did it togeheter with a colleague of DH who sold jewelry, and on the second day a colleague of mine who sold perfume..
Both days we had a great day... and while being there I crochet a bit on Kira's blanket... you remember that on... it's now a bit larger, 36 granny squares
Look at how big it is getting.... Today I used it again when I was walking with Kira and Noah... Noah walks but Kira still sit ( but for how long...she love climming on the stairs) so put her blanket on her... lol... she likes the colors!!I hope this winter to make it big enough for het bed....
Then look at what the postwomen brought!!
Dear sweet and talented Miek, made me a knitted donut... al kinds of PINK colors, with a brown bottum..
Miek thank you so much..
You all need to go and take a look at her blog (in Dutch)... She paints stitching fabric... and she can do that so beautifully.
She has done it for years, and know started it again after a breake...
Look out... you will fall in love.=))))))
That's it for today
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!
14 opmerkingen:
You sure made a lot of cute things. It's a shame they didn't sell better since you had to endure that cold!
The blanket looks great. And Miek's donut is too funny!
Lots of cuties you've made...sorry to hear it wasn't such a succes on selling the items.
You are moving great with the granny squares...wish you are nearby, have a little girl to cuddle!!!
ohhha l looks so adorable but.. I love the cupcakes!! of course! hahaha And perfect color choice ;)
I want to learn how to make a blanket like that too :D
Have a great week sweetie! I've missed you these last few days, hope we'll chat a bit soon ;)
Annette you are so creative you are an inspiration in many crafty ways.
Too bad you didn't get better sales, but it was fun I'm sure besides being cold
That donut is too funny, it almost looks good, hehe
Wow! You've been busy Annette!! Kira's blanket is really growing--it looks great. The donut from Miek is so cute--donuts, cupcakes...what will you knit next? You could make a whole bakery full of knitted items :)
I'm glad you enjoyed the selling even if your sales weren't the best...Maybe it was just too cold to get many people on those days!
so nice to see all your cutie finishes...i love the granny blanket progress
Jammer dat je alweer bijna niets hebt verkocht!
Geef je de moed dan nog niet op?
Maar ja, je hebt het wel leuk gehad zo te lezen!
En 2 opdrachten is ooook wat!
Ik snap er echt helemaal niks van hoor, dat je niks verkoopt. Hoe kan dat nou met al die leuke dingen.......
Het had 1 voordeel, Kira's dekentje is gegroeid......
Die autootjes zijn schattig !!
En je haarpinnetjes ook, zoals altijd.
En dan die cupcakes, aaargh ! Ik ben verliefd!!
Je hartjes zijn ook wel heel erg schattig, die zouden perfect in mijn kerstboom passen... ;-)
Je dekentje is al heel erg groot, en ZO mooi. Wat een werk he.
Ik wil er ook graag eentje maken, maar we hebben al zoveel dekentjes :D
Goed bezig seg !!
(oja, je knoopjes gaan vandaag op de post ;-) !)
wat een leuke dingen heb je gemaakt!
die slingers zijn geweldig, die van Saskia vind ik ook zo leuk,
Dat van die bakkerij kan wel kloppen,AlS Noah een keukentje krijgt dan moet hij natuurlijk wel na kunnen spelen dat hij bakt :-)
Beautiful creations Annette...I'm sure with time you'll get to sell them, you just have to keep trying :)
everything is so cute and beautiful!
All your projects look beautiful Annette, and I'm sorry to hear you didn't have many sales. Craft shows can sure be unpredictable! :)
Love Miek's donut too, how cute!!
Your so productive, Annette! Every times have lots of eye candy when visiting your blog. Where did you sell your crafts? The crochet hair pins were so beautiful. Kira's blanket is looking great! The colors are so sweet! :) Lovely gift from your friend.
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