Last week I worked 6 days... normally I work 3 days... so that was a bit more then I'm used too =)))) But I survived, and had a great time as always..
First I have a picture of Noah his cakes that I made for his B-day
Then the Toy-story cake, but you all know that one.. It was my favorite... and more of that kinds of cakes will follow.. It a LOT of work... but so much fun.... need to save up the buy some more shapes to decorate... but that will come in the years..
Then the favorite of one for my MIL&SIL my apple-pie...It was almost up and the end of the party...hihi =)))))))
Then some craft news.. after making a lot for others it was time of making something for myself ;)
It fall time.. I have a lot of Fall-ideas...
but I singned up for a cupcake SAL that started 19th of September..hihihi..;) I finished it already.. I was the first who started and the first who finished it... I have seen this pattern a year ago and fell in love with it so when I saw the SAL I needed to make to make it fast

I will finish it off in a pinkeep so more of it later
You can find the pattern here.
And at the moment I'm in love with cupcakes so I started another one..hihi
These two pieces and some crochet cupcakes (that I still need to make) all togheter wil be so great I think..
But to finish it off.. I;m looking for some white fabric with cute little cupcakes on them, not to much cupcakes and not to big... But I only can find pink... Does anyone know a place where I can buy something that I'm looking for?? I can't find it yet
Then some kids update...I my lasts post not much kid talk... first a pic

Then Kira... as you can see... she can stand... she also can walk around the table.... Just today see walked from the little table to the couch (one step between). She is eating everything... as you can see LOL .....=))))))))))) LOVE HER
This evening I started also a new piece... hihihi... more next time.... :):):)
THANK YOU ALL for you sweet comments on my B-day boy ...
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!
13 opmerkingen:
It's nice to have you back! :D
That rainbow cake looks awesome! I can imagine that gave you a lot of work :p But it's so cool!!! :
You started on 19th and it's done already?? wow! speedy stitcher!! hehehe
It's adorable!! I love those cupcakes =)))
Cupcake fever is in the air!! LOL :D
Sorry, can't help with that =/ I have no idea where to find fabric.. let me know if you find something! ;)
Oh!! proud mama with her babies =)
hahaha Noah is working hard in the attic!! LOL ;)
Hugs&smiles to you my friend!
Cupcakes everywhere these days. Yours look great.
Those kids are just growing up too fast!
Ik ben compleet weg van je cupcakejes, supermooi !
Je regenboogtaart ziet er geweldig uit, manman, wat een werk moet dat geweest zijn.
Ook je appeltaart ziet er njammie uit ! Ben er meestal niet zo'n fan van, waarom weet ik ook niet(ik hou tenslotte van taart én van appel...), maar hier zou ik dadelijk aan beginnen ;-)
Geweldige foto's weer!
en je taarten zien er echt prachtig uit.
Ook je cup-cake borduurwerk is super!
Nou mis ik toch de foto van je nieuwe werkje hoor......
Wat zijn de hapjes op de middelste foto, rechts naast de appeltaart? Had je taarten al gezien en ze zien er zalig uit.
Knuf voor de kids
ben helemaal weg van het cupcakeborduurwerk.
Ooh--your yummy-looking cakes, pies, and even your cupcake stitching are making me hungry, Annette!! (It's only 7 AM here and I haven't eaten breakfast yet).
Your kids always looks so happy--must be because they have such a happy mother :)
Wow, wat was je ijverig!! Die gehaakte en geborduurde cupcake vind ik erg leuk geworden.
Nog gefeliciteerd met Noah's verjaardag!!
Groetjes Thea ♥
oh....wat een heerlijke taarten maak jij toch, mmmmmmmmm
de geborduurde muffins of cupcakes zijn al net zo lekker.
en wat een leuke foto`s van de kinderen.
ze groeien als kool,(om maar in etens termen te blijven)
allemaal mooie cupcake en de echte zijn ook super.
Wat een leuke kindjes zijn dat.
Ik heb misschien nog wel een lapje stof voor je.
Laat maar even weten.
Groetjes Elza.
I love those cupcakes :) Ondanks dat je meer gewerkt hebt dan je gewoonlijk doet, heb je toch nog veel kunnen borduren, hoe doe je dat toch allemaal? ;-)
Those cakes all look so yummy, I've never seen a rainbow cake before!
Love the pics of the kids, and waw, Kira can walk, congrats to Kira!
What a sweet post, Annette! All your cakes looks so delicious and beautiful! Your stitch pieces looks lovely too! Noah is such a good helper on painting the wall. Both of your little darlings are so cute! Can't wait to see your new start. Happy stitching.
Helemaal leuk al die foto's van je lieverdjes!
En de cup cakejes zijn om in te bijten, hahahaa.
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