Last monday I visit my dear friend Miek. She lives op north, and I had never been there... Ow so beautifulll is it where she lives..
I made her 2 presents
The crochet birds, is a pattern I made myself my looking to some other patterns, but it's still not how I have it in my mind. So I hope more try's will follow.
The pillow was so much fun to make.
She has a cute little dog Basso, so I needed to make a pillow of him.
And the sweetheart that she is she made and gave a lot of presents back, I just realized that a forgot some things for the photo, so I got even more beautifull thingsthen on the pic, a great crochet and knit book... hihihihi hahahah (who has a box of time for me????)

Looking throw the photo's I saw this little craft card I made for Nia a few weeks back.
A while back I made a trade with Pauline, and I got her beautifull craft book with window decorations... I started right away and this is what I made:

Tomorrow we are celebrating the B-day of DH and mine, DH had his birthday 2 weeks ago, and mine is in 2 weeks. Most of the family lives far away so we celebrate it together in the middle of our dates, mostly the last weekend of July. and every year we have rain :(:(:(:(
The last couple of weeks we had a lot of rain, and not many sunshines... I can count the moment of sun on my
Yesterday was a good day we had a few hours of sun.... today it was very grey
PLEASE EVERYONE keep you fingers crossed WE have DRY weather tomorrow
I;m going to look at my chocolate cake... Pic's of my dinner and cakes will follow.
I'm making a Indonesian rice table, here you can see a sneak peak

I love reading them!!
♥ Have a great day ♥
8 opmerkingen:
Dat hartje met vogeltje is zooooooo leuk!
En ook dat kussen!
En wat leuk dat je zoveel plezier met dat knutselblad hebt!
groetjes Pauline
mmmmm....chocolade cake daar ben ik echt wel voor tevinden ...lekker !!en dan ook nog die mooie dingen die je steeds maakt !!! Het is waarschijnlijk bij u erg gezellig en een warme thuis voor de kinderen !
Happy belated birthday to your DH and happy birthday to you too. :) That crochet bird looks cute, Annette. And the pillow is beautiful too. I'm sure your friend will like it very much. Kira looks so cute with her new colorful outfit. Have a wonderful weekend and hopefully no more rain on your side.
How nice that you and Miek had a visit! That pillow you made of Basso is wonderful!! It is as adorable as he is! I especially like the picture of little Kira holding the pillow. Cute! :)
Happy Birthday to you and your husband! :)
wat leuk dat je Miek hebt ontmoet! Kira ziet er schattig uit in het gekregen outfitje.
Alvast een gelukkige verjaardag
Now I wish I could smell chocolate cake!! LOL
Oh that birdie is so cute! And you made the pattern by yourself? You're awesome girl!! :D Congrats!!
I think is amazing the way you can make clothes for your kids, I hope to learn more and one day be able to do it too :) I would like to sew little dresses, I've seen so many blogs with cute stuff for girls.. well, if I will have a girl! LOL ;)
I love my gorjuss postcards!!! :D I have 3 by now but yours is the only 3D :D so cool!!! Blue!! and.. winter friends theme =)))) Once again, thank you sweetie =)
I hope you had a great B-day with your DH and the whole family together! :D Noah is always watching the pans! ahahhahaha
We had really hot weather for the last few days, last week was incredible hot!! It's good for me but bad for the garden =/ So today we have rain and I'm not totally unhappy about it, I'm happy for the grass and happy for my flowers :)
Oh well.. my comment is almost as big as your post!!! LOL
Hugs&Smiles to you!!
Miek is een schat en jullie zullen vast een hele leuke en gezellige dag hebben gehad.
De kado'tjes over en weer zien er heel erg mooi uit.
Annette jammer dat we geen geurcompu hebben anders zou ik de chocoladetaart hier ruiken Mmmmmmmm.
Groetjes Marion
Sure hope you had a Iovely day for your birthdays, Annette :) We need the rain here desperately, but just aren't getting any!
Love the photos of your latest creations--I'm sure your friend was tickled to receive your thoughtful gifts. Nia's card is very cute, too, but not as cute as your kids :)
Wishing you a very special birthday in two weeks, Annette :)
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