After a long time of rain, it was very nice to have some outside days.
We put the swimmingpool on the grass, al the other stuff and water... We had such a great time, inside when it was raining Noah and I where backing or cuting paper.
I love the pic of Kira on the airbed...
She had a great time in de pool
I have been working for Noah's school last week. I help with the activities, next week is the last schoolday and we are planing something great for the kids, My job was cutting 32 buckets in all kinds of colors.
These where full of holes
Then my stitching:
The Hello Kitty was a surprise for Katrien, her baby girl turned 1 year yesterday, and it got there on time... yeh for the mailman This is how it look likes finished.. Love it... I'm starting to get a Hello Kitty lover!!
Happy birthday Jelena!!
Then my Wall-EWall-E is progressing well... but I can tell you I'm NEVER gonna stitch this one again.. Wall-E is not that bit but has more then 30 colors... a lot of colors only needed 1,2,3,4,5 or 6 stitches... I tought I would get crazy!!!
I have made a pic of Noah's party outfit.. so you can see it better
I wanne make a logo for myself, to put on my blog, in my clothes... I'm working on it I was planning on showing it tonight but forgot to take pic's, and I have very bad light at the moment so that will be in my next post.
What I can show it cute pic's of a baby house sparrow. The poor thing fall of my roof, and could not fly high enough to get back.. I tryed and catch it, put in on a lower roof of my neighbour and it could get back to his parents..
Super mommy..... Noah loves the little bird!!
We have a lot of house sparrow's here.. Noah alsways try's to catch them... but they are to fast :)
I FORGOT ONE IMPORTANT THING..... MY SECOND BLOGOVERSARY WAS IN MARCH... OOPS...more of that also in my next post.. still thinking of what I will do
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!
♥ Have a great day ♥
14 opmerkingen:
Looks like your kids have lot of fun activities! Noah is so cute feeding his sister. Congratulations on the finish of Hello Kitty! The bib looks so cute! Looking forward to see your logo, Annette.
Je kitty is toch goed aangekomen...?
Lekker he, dat gespetter in het badje, is nu voorlopig weer over. Succes nog met het afmaken van wall e.
Hello ,Annette!
Thank You for visiting my blog again :)
Oh,what a lovely update this was ,so many cute photos of your kids having fun on the summertime.
You help at Noahs school,that is so cool, Annette!
Having a one so crafty person as you is a true blessing for his school..
The costumes you made for kids are great,I am sure..and I cant wait to see how they will use those papercraft materials.
Me and my DD both just love all Hello Kitty stuff ,so I think is the bib is darling cute :)
My DD had her birthday last week. she get a pretty hand painted bowl with Hello Kitty on it from a Lady from our x-stitch club :)
I willput a pic to my blog..
Who could resist baby sparrows!!!:)
Heerlijk hè, dat gespetter met dit weer. De kinderen genieten er hier ook van.
Leuke werkjes en foto's heb je gemaakt. Groetjes, Amarins
Love the photo collage as always, Annette. :) It looks like the kids have been having lots of fun. :)
That Hello Kitty bib is adorable! And I can relate to your frustration on a chart using a color for only a few stitches. Even though it's been a while since I cross-stitched, that has happened to me too, and does make you crazy! haha! But it looks like you're close to finishing. :)
Looks like a lot of summer fun and crafty activity at your house.
You're in trouble now that the school knows how talented and skilled your are! They'll keep you busy if your weren't already.
Super cute Hello Kitty gift!
Eindelijk zomer hè ... en de kindjes maar genieten , ze hadden er blijkbaar zin in ;) .Je hebt weer prachtige foto's genomen en je werkjes zijn super ;)
Beautiful collage of photos!!
wat een leuke fotos van de kinderen.
ik moet zeggen dat de foto van Kira die een flesje krijgt van Noah mijn hart steelt en precies die daar onder ook. wat een princesje he?
veel plezier met de school activiteiten, er zullen er vast nog veel volgen.
je slabbetje is heel leuk geworden.
Hetti weet ook alles van "confetti" steken hihi.
Looks like another busy, busy week at your house, Annette! I love your gift for little Jelena--it's almost too cute to use...
And I'll bet Mr. Noah looked mighty cute in his new outfit--love the little white tie, too :)
Happy Belated 2nd Blogoversary--yours is just a couple of months younger than mine!
Belated Happy Blogoversary!
Looks like the kids had fun with the warm weather.
Unfortunately, i had to work during that warm day(monday) so wasn't able to take Chris to the beach, Grace went with her friends though. After that monday...been cooler now and very windy.
Cute bib you've finished for your friend.
What a crazy weather we're having this year! Rain one day, 40ºC in the other day.. oh well, at least summer is staying now.. or should I say 'for now'? :p heheheh Let's hope that the good weather will stay here at least until September :)
Your kids had a great time!! :D
I love watching pictures of Noah baking :) hehehe so cute!
My favorite pic: Noah giving milk to Kira =) The sweetest thing!!! &heart;
Congrats on your finish!! :D Kitty is very fun to stitch.. if she's not too big heheeheh or else she wil turn into kitty-big-white-head!!! LOL ;)
Really? Wall-e is that difficult? =/ oh boy...
But your wip is looking great!! :D
Get well soon sweetie!!
And enjoy your weekend :D
Hugs&smiles, Nia
verry nics blog i love your photo's
mvg sarah
so many things you've accomplished! Noah's outfit looks fantastic. That pic of Kira is sooo cute :-)
And thanks again for the bib (I really love it!)!.
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