Children grow to fast, he is already 2!!
My SIL asked for a few shorts
They have a horse and Adam loves her, and she is pregnant,so next year a baby horse!!
That´s why I also crochet a little cutie!!!
This is want I made:

2 weeks back I made me a bag to put in all the stuff for the kids, as daipers bottles..etc but forgot to show it

This week the kids where ill and they are both still on the antibiotics, They still have a ugly cough and runny nose..

My cuties... both ill under a blanket on the couch!!
Tuesday school called that I could pike him up, he didn´t whant to do anything and only wanted to sit with the teacher, poor boy, but yesterday was feeling a lot better and had fun at school again...
Then a big thing... Kira is eating ...:)
She loves carrots... and it´s so funny too see her eat..
Last few weeks I have done a lot of crafting so taking a break for a few days... hope there will not be too many rain, So I can work some in the garden and cycle with the kids!!
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!
16 opmerkingen:
Wat schitterend allemaal. Wat heb je toch schatjes van kinderen!!!
You're so clever Annette ~ lovely little crocheted horse and your bag is a great idea.
Sorry the little ones are poorly, give them a big hug from me and the bunnies, if Kira is now eating carrots they will be hopping over to visit her very soon!!!
Have a good week and hope the sun shines for all of us xxx
OOOOO wat is het paardje leuk geworden en toch nog op tijd afgekregen.
Je tas is ook super.
Knuf voor de kids, hop dat ze zich snel weer helemaal lekker voelen.
Dat paardje heb je heel mooi gemaakt!
De rest van de foto,s zijn zoals gewoonlijk ook weer erg leuk en schattig...hoop dat de ziektes weer over zijn!
You've been very busy! That little horse is adorable and I'm sure Adam will have many fun hours playing with it.
And I hope Noah and Kira are feeling better too!
The crocheted horse is so adorable.
Love the shorts and the bag is awesome
I enjoy looking at your craftiness
The kiddies are cute as ever too.
I'm always amazed at all of the creativity that comes from you even though you have two kids to care for, Annette! I'm sure your little crocheted horse will be well loved by Adam--very cute shorts, too!
I do hope Noah and Kira feel better very, very soon :)
such a cute horse.
hopelijk zijn de kinderen snel beter!
OMG!!! That little horse is the cutest thing!!!! =) so a-do-ra-ble!!! ♥ Congrats sweetie!! What an amazing work you did! I'm amazed :D
And you are a very good stitcher, look at that bag! =)))) Great job... again!!! :D
Oh I hope your kids are both felling better by now =/
Kira is so pretty and growing fast! :p beautiful eyes =)
Sweet hug for Noah and Kira =) hope they will fell better fast! Huge hug to you my sweet friend :)
wat een leuk paard is dat geworden en erg mooi gedaan.
wat een vrolijke kleuren voor je tas.
ik hoop dat de kids snel weer beter zijn.
(dan kunnen ze de volgende 'bug' te pakken krijgen)
ze moeten er doorheen he!, zoals we dat zeggen.
bedankt voor je leuke foto`s
Annette niet voor het een of het ander maar ik heb eens naar je foto's gekeken vergroot en wat heb je toch mooie kinderen , Noah is een echte knapperd maar Kira heeft ook al zo'n mooi lief rond gezichtje echt vertederend !!! Trouwens je gehaakt paardje is prachtig echt goed geslaagd !!
What wonderful creations you've made again lately, the horse-just tooo cute and wow! love the neatly finished!
Hope your cuties feels better very soon.
We had rain here today but not much, too windy so it has cooled off...
Oooooo...wat een lief klein paardje.
Ik ben benieuwd!!
Groetjes Thea♥
Great jon on the crocheted horse!! It's cute!
Kira is already eating carrot! She looks like she's enjoying them :) My baby's pediatrician told me she will begin eating vegetables when she's 6 month for now it's only milk for her :)
Annette wat ben je toch heerlijk kreatief bezig.
Je hebt me aangestoken met het haakwerk ( zie mijn blog).
Leuk paardje en je tas ziet er geweldig uit.
Gelukkig zijn de kid's weer een stuk beter.
Groetjes Marion
The crocheted horse/pony is adorable,you are so talented :)
Lovely pics all!
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