Noah had for 5 days a fever of 40 degrees, I want to 3 docter's, only the third docter saw it was a laryngitis.
Thankfully Noah is better now.. he has been so very sick!!
But sitting on the couch with a sick child watching al kinds of Disney movies is so much fun.. and I can't watch a movie without having a craft in my hands :) so have made some starts of lovely projects...
First I'm making a little crochet airplane for Noah
I wanne make more and hang them for his bedroom window.. He love airplane (and so many more boy, so I hope he will like it and sees it is a airplane.. at the moment it looks more like a bird..:)
For Kira i'm stitching this lovely piece and wanne make it in too a cushion for on her bed.
Then a project for me, I'm making flowers:
Then I have so many LOVELY AND SWEET blog friends...
The mailman has brought me so beautifull pieces!!
Looks at this lovely knitted and crochet shoes and socks for Noah and Kira

You spoil me TOOOOOOOOO much....
Then all the way from portugal from our sweet Nia I got this sweet bunny with card made by her DH
Then little sweet girl Dominique made Noah such a beautifull card because he was sick. She is only 8 years old, but makes such pretty things. Look at your self
Then I'm making all kinds of secrets projects... I forgot a few bithdays.. yes I know bad Annette... But I'm getsing up..
Here is the first that has been at his place

That was the birthday from April... I'm working on :)
Yesterday we went to our Indonsia friend, and she can't bake spekkoek (don't know the translation of that), but I She can't understand that she can't do it and I

I was without a camera for 2 weeks, but Dh fixed it, so made fast some pics of my garden flowers before they died..

I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!
♥ Have a great day ♥
12 opmerkingen:
Great update post. Glad the kids are feeling better. Only you would make the most of it by crafting in front of the TV! You have some fun projects in the works. Love your gifts, especially those cute little shoes.
Those kids are really growing up fast too!
Oh, Annette, I've been away for two weeks and am way behind on my blog reading. So sorry to hear that the kids were sick, but I'm glad they are feeling better. I have laryngitis myself right now and it is no fun!!
You must be busier than ever now that you've returned to work. I hope you still find time to do your crafts--they obviously give you (and others!) a lot of joy :)
Vinniey's design turned out beautifully. I agree, she uses the happiest looking colors! And your gifts from your blogging friends are wonderful. I was lucky enough to receive a bunny from Nia, too--doesn't it smell lovely?
Your spekkoek looks delicious--I'm surprised it lasted long enough for a picture to be made of it :)
The kids are growing quickly! As always, they look so darling. Have a good week now!
Zo, je hebt er weer een heel verhaal van gemaakt. Ik krijg honger als ik je spekkoek zie, lol. Zal straks aan Dominique laten zien dat haar kaartje er ook bij staat, ik mocht er geen foto van maken.....
Nogmaals thanks voor je kadootje!
I'm glad Noah and Kira are both better now :) Kira is growing fast!! And she has the most adorable crochet mary janes :) I have received do many gift, lucky girl! Mine was just a small thing, nothing much =)
hahahahah "Your friend just doesn't understand that you can do it and she can't"! LOL :D I have no ideia what that spekkoek taste likes but it does seem delicous!! I will google some recipes ;) hehehehe
Nice to see you back :D I always love to read your post and I want to see more on those crochet wips! :)
Hugs&Smiles, Nia
What a great update Annette. Love the pics of the kids, so cute!! Hope they feel much better these days.
What lovely finishes and wonderful gifties received.
A happy long weekend!!
I'm so glad the kids are feeling better. :) Looking forward to seeing the finished airplane, flowers, and cross-stitch projects. You've been busy! :)
Annette wat heb je weer mooie dingen gemaakt, en dan de foto's van de kid's, ze zijn schattig!!!!
Groetjes Marion
wat een leuke fotoos allemaal weer.
I'm so glad that Noah and Kira are feeling better now. I was busy with my works and house keeping works, it has been a long time I didn't visit your blog. Love your new header picture, Noah and Kira are so cute! Love your new red polka dot tote bag and crochet horse. Lovely gifts from your friends. The crochet shoes are too cute! :) The layer cake looks so yummy, I can get it from any shop in Kuala Lumpur but I never try it before... I think I should try..
I was so thrilled to see you work on my design and I can wait to see the finishing.
Happy stitching and have a wonderful week.
so nice to visit your lovely blog and to see your updates..i really missed visiting your blog while i was travelling
I'm glad the kids are better.
Mmmm, that cake looks delicious.
Cute gifts you made and recieved.
gelukkig dat ze weer beter zijn!
Voor spekkoek heb je een enorm geduld nodig toch?
Bedankt voor het delen van de link van lieve borduurtje.
Het begint ineens te kriebellen.
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