I maked a little collage of our weekend, It was very beautifull weather, we where the whole day outside
My SIL and I where spoiled with gifts that kids had made on school ;).

And in the evening DH and I went out for dinner!!
We had a great weekend and Noah had a great time with his nephew, and Kira.... she smiled all day long, and saw so many people..lol :)
I have done a bit of crafting in the evening when al three of the kids where a sleep
And when I got home, more plants where in bloom

Everyone enjoy this lovely weather..:)
Toningt when the kids are asleep I hope to gets up with all your blogs and mails...
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!
11 opmerkingen:
Je bofte wel met het weer afgelopen weekend, wat was het warm he.
Vandaag aardig wat regen gehad hier, nu is de zon er pas.
Je deken voor Kira ziet er al heel mooi uit Annette mooie kleurtjes !
Kleine Noah zal wel trots geweest zijn met zijn moederdag knutselwerkje :) ! Fijn dat je zo'n leuk weekend had , ik mocht hier ook niet klagen , het zonnetje schijnt en dat geeft ons al wat extra energie ;)
It looks like you had a great Mother's Day!! You deserve it, you're a great Mum :D
I have to get one of those make-up kits for myself ;) heheheh lovely gift! =)
will you save all your kids gifts to show them when they grow up?
I remember making things for my parents but I think all got lost with time :p
I'm saving evertyhing my goddaughter makes for me =) I write the date and keep evertyhing in a very girly box heheheh :D
Hugs&Smiles to you :D
Looks like you had a wonderful weekend with family and even out with dh alone...i miss those days...
Blanket looksn lovely as well as your flowers. It did rain here this morning but not enough for the plants so still have to water them...
Have a good week!
Nia heeft gelijk, zoals je een stuk of 8 berichten terug kon lezen op mijn blog had ik de cm nog, die ik ooit gemaakt had op school. ook bewaarde mn moeder veel tekeningen van ons,die we later terug kregen. hardstikke leuk om te zien hoe creatief we vroeger (al) waren hahaha.
leuk dat de tuin er zin in heeft.
snapt Noah dat eigenlijk, dat er uit blaadjes zomaar bloemen komen?
Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend--love the photos of Noah and Kira and congratulations to you and your husband on 7 years!
How cute is that little gift that Noah made in school--it makes me smile to remember similar things my sons used to come home with when they were his age :)
Kira's blanket is really growing, Annette--so pretty!
Looks like you all had a fun filled weekend! Noah did a great job on the make up/jewelry box, it IS beautiful! What a great keepsake. :)
Love the colors you're using for your afghan. I can see why Kira loves to look at it. :)
Look like you had a wonderful week-end Annette. Great photos. Congrats to you and your DH on 7 years together.
Kira;s blanket is looking so pretty and such a sweet gift from Noah.
Looks like a wonderful weekend. Congrats on your 7 years together.
So lovely photos again here in Your blog.
I have to admit that I am a big fan of this blog.
Here I find allways something happy ,colourfull and of course your sweet kids makes the warm feeling to everything :)
I am so amazed of how beautifull roses you have,the peach/pink coloured one is a true beauty !!!
Kira's blanket is so pretty ,those colours ,You know!! ;) Pink,pink,pink.....
De deken ziet er mooi uit en Kira is er nu al tevreden mee.
Je hebt een mooi en zonnig weekend gehad en jullie hebben er zichtbaar van genoten.
Groetjes Marion
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