Another week gone by..
The time is going to fast, in about a month I need to go to work again :( :(...
On the first of April Noah's teacher has given birth to a baby girl. They asked if we wanted to give a present, and this is what Noah and I made:

The patterns of the little bal and owl are so fun to make... more will come slowly...hihi
Yesterday my oldest nephew turned 3... such a sweet boy. His mother had asked for a birthday garland... He was thrilled when he saw it!

I got many compliments over how lovely it was. Then the suprise gift the overall for him and his grandma

It was the best gift I could made.. his grandma was so glad with it, we started crying with the three of us.. LOL...:) It's still very lovely weather, so we walk with the handcart to school and to the store... This is how Kira looks when we do get Noah from school.

Noah was helping DH with the sand and he loved it... Kira was sitting in the handcart

The garden is getting greener and greener and my first flowers are coming in bloom. Here my first pics of plants in bloom.. the white one I bought this week

So I bought the frame for Kira's birthsampler Satherday, so need to get stitching... it's still not finished I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!! gaat morgeI love reading them!!
11 opmerkingen:
kijk dat moppie nou liggen dan in de kar, ik dacht altijd dat je de maxi cosi in de kar zette.....
super dat ze zo blij waren met de kadootjes, daar doe je het voor. en volgende keer als je kadootjes geeft moet je de zakdoeken meenemen.......
volgende update is van poeh die klaar is he........;)
liefs saskia
Oh, it's so green and pretty where you live! We have had some nice temps but alas, no rain to really green things up =[
I really, REALLY love that owl you made for Noah's teacher! So cute!
Looks like a fun spring happening at your house. Love the gifts you made. I can just imagine you all crying with the overalls in hand!
wat een uitgebreid weekoverzicht weer. stuk voor stuk foto's om van te genieten.
Don't start counting down the time yet ;) enjoy the most you can! :D
Lovely flowers :) I'm loving this weather, I'm so grateful that winter is over :D I can see that Noah and Kira are too!! hehehe
Have a great week my sweet friend :D
hugs&Smiles for you all!!!
so nice to see your garden...i love the owl tag toy...I need to make one for my nephew.
As always your stitching is gorgeous and the colours are all so pretty. Lovely, lovely photos of Noah and Kira especially the one of Kira in the handcart, she looks sooooo tiny. Isn't it lovely to see all the colour in the garden once again and warm sunshine? xxx
I always love visiting your blog, Annette--it is a happy place :) Smiling children, pretty crafts, and lovely flowers--who could ask for more!
Wow, all those gifts you made are just lovely! And so special too! Little Kira looks adorable in the little wagon. And it made me smile seeing Noah driving his little car. :) Enjoy your last weeks at home!
lovely babygifts. Nice garland, I wish I were more handy for things like that.
Kira looks so cute in the cart :)
Don't think too much about work yet, just enjoy your time at home.
Have a great weekend!!! :D
Sweet hug to Noah and Kira =) Another one for you, of course!!! :D
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