Thank you all so much for your lovely words, I love reading them, and there are so many of them, It made me blush when I opened my mailbox!!
Kira and I are doing great, I'm still only resting and feeding her, and she grows so fast. I hope I feel better soon, I wanna go outside, walk with her and Noah.
Noah is so sweet to her, kisses, hugs and wants to hold her!!!
I have some pics of the last few days..
Kira and I are doing great, I'm still only resting and feeding her, and she grows so fast. I hope I feel better soon, I wanna go outside, walk with her and Noah.
Noah is so sweet to her, kisses, hugs and wants to hold her!!!
I have some pics of the last few days..

At birth she was 3.680 gram, and 51 cm, for me a small baby, because Noah was 4.240 and 53,5 cm. But ow so cute and beautifull...
Before I gave birth I finished my Lizzie Kate August, and made some felted ice crystals, I hope to make a picture this week, and when I'm not that tired anymore hope to start crafting, making dresses, new clothes for Noah, decoration for the house- Noah's room and Kira's room (pink pink pink.....) and so much more...
I still have free from work till 15 May, so many time to craft and enjoy the kids.
At the moment DH is also free for a few weeks, so we are enjoying are new family a lot..
Hope to show something soon.
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!I love reading them!!
17 opmerkingen:
Kira is such a beauty! It's so great that Noah likes having a little sister. Makes the adjustment much easier.
annette wat een lief boeleke heb je daar ik hoop ook vlug terug zo eentje in mijn armen te hebben.
Groetjes sofie
Lovely pictures of your
Baby Girl Kira and Noah The Big Brother :)
You will have so much fun to design new room decorations on
the "girly-colours" too.
I am so happy to be Your blogging friend,
thank you for visting my blog again :)
Ohhh Annette wat een lieveke.... Kira lijkt heel erg op broertje Noah.... wat een godsgeschenk zulke mooie, gezonde kindjes!!! Veel geluk samen...
Beautiful children !! congratulations on the birth of your daughter. Enjoy your time off with her and your family.
Congratulations. Your baby is adorable and your son is so cute.
Dear Annette,
Congratulation on your newborn!
She is beautiful!
Just perfect Annette, so so happy for you and your family, enjoy the rest while you can and look forward to Spring ~ lots of walks with Kira and Noah in the sunshine and warmth xxx
Your children are beautiful - Enjoy your time home with them - Congratulations on such a beautiful baby & such a lovely family !!!
You'll have a pink overdose!! LOL! I think that's great :D Having a baby girl you have to pick all those girl things ;)
I hope you'll be able to make some crafts and also I'm sending a bit of our sun to you :D hehehe Enjoy your baby girl and her adorable brother!! :D
Annette, wat lijkt Kira veel op Noah allebei zulke lieve koppies.
Fijn dat je zo lang thuis bent met zwangerschapsverlof. Heerlijk van de kinderen genieten.
Je mag trots zijn op je 2 wondertjes.
Knuf van Marion
Zo'n schatje! :)
Geniet maar van je kraamtijd!
What a little cutie and look at that gorgoeus head of hair.
I am sure little Noah will be her protector for life.
ach Annette wat een snoesje , een wolk van een baby en wat heeft ze veel haar , geniet er van want voor je het weet zijn ze groot !
Oh, I'm so happy for you and your family, Annette! Kira is so sweet--and she has so much hair! I'll bet she'll be blonde, too, like little Noah. I'm glad he is adjusting well--she is lucky to have such a kind big brother!
Awwww. She is so huggable! You rest up and take care of that lovely family!
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