In my previous post I mentioned the finished Lizzie Kate August stamp
On this post of Nia's blog, I got so inspired, so googled a few ice crystals patterns and got my felt and started cutting.
I made a pictures of them hanging in the branches above my table, but it's hard to make a pictures of it (I have made eleven so far), I will make a picture of it when I put something new in it!!
But what will I do for February.... any inspriration will be welcome...I wanna do some thing with heart, but what??
Remember my lovely orchid.. I just made a picture of it!!
I hope the rest will hurry up!!!
We got so many beautifull gift for the birth of Kira, lovely dresses, other beautifull outfits and stuff
And I was so surprised of the gifts I got from bloggers!!!
Thanks you so much ladies... I love all of it..
I hope I don't forgot anyone... I just made the pictures today, and it's hard to remember from who I got everything. So If I forgot something please let me know
Also Noah is very spoiled with gifts.
From my Belgium SIL he got Play-Doh, and loves playing with it!!
On the day Kira was born I also won a crochet give-away.
I forgot to take a pictures buy here is the one from the blog where I won it:
I won the blue one!!
And look at this lovely pictures of Noah and Kira:
Sorry for the long post!!
I'm still to tired to craft, but I'm working on many ideas in me head!!!
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!I love reading them!!
9 opmerkingen:
Beautiful gifts. You have a lot of nice friends. But the I like the photos of the two kids the best!
heel erg mooi allemaal annette.
Jouw pakje van mij dat komt er morgen aan zonder pardon.
Sorry ervoor dat het zolang duur.
Groetjes sofie
You amaze me Annette--you just had little Kira last week and here you are showing us new creations and photos!! I'm so glad she is such a sweetie :)
Love all your cards and gifts for the children that you received from friends...Noah sure does look happy with his Play-doh!! Enjoy each moment with them...
Hey meis, zie ik daar zo maar mijn kadootje langkomen. Graag gedaan hoor! Enne...onze lampen lijken wel erg op elkaar, alleen dan zonder frutsels bij mij eraan....
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh =) That last photo is so adorable!!! Cuteness overload!!! :D You have two adorable children =)
How is your baby girl doing? All well? I hope so! Give her a sweet little kiss from me =)
Congrats on your finish! Stitch by stitch, soon you'll have another one ;) Take it easy, enjoy your baby because they grow up fast!!! heheeh Soon you'll get your rhythm on your crafts again :)
I'm so glad to inspire my friends! I'll try to post more ideas in the future :)
Orchids are my favorites flowers in the world! =)
So many lovely gifs! Congrats :D
PS: how wasn't I already following your blog?!!? weel, I am now :)
You have such a lovely daughter and son.
the pictures are so cute..
and what a sweet dress Kira is wearing,so girly thing!! :)
August-stamp is beautifull and of course i love the snow crystal ornaments very much too.
It is so fun and sweet that Nia is commenting here and I am commenting on her blog as well as you do in both blogs ,her and mine !!
We are like three blogging-sisters!! :) :)
You have get lovely
baby-gifts,there are so many
kind-hearted Ladyes in the blogging-world!!
Héél mooie foto's van Noah en Kira.
Lovely work with the felt!
Your stamp looks good, look forward to seeing september.
hoi Annette,
wat een geweldige foto`s zijn dat van Kira en Noah.
je bent lekker verwend zo te zien.
gelukkig komt er nog meer aan haaha
Hallo Annette,
Ik zie dat je intussen moeder bent geworden van een prachtige baby!!
Gefeliciteerd hoor! Wat een mooi kind, prachtige bos donkere haartjes heeft ze!
Wat zul je trots zijn!!
Geniet er maar lekker van, ze zijn zo vlug groot!!
Groetjes Thea♥
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