The Christmas piece she stitch is beautifull, I think I'm going to make a pillow of it before Christmas, I'm stil thinking!!
The pinchusion also so beautifull made.
And when I opend the box, I was blown away, Al kinds of beautifull little things like the 'made with love' charms.. it's funny but for quiet time I was looking for those here in the Netherlands, but could not fine them, en now I got a lot of the.
Patty you are the sweetest.. Thank you so much for this lovely great gift you sent me.
Then my stitching update!!
The tree is done with brown, need too do the green, but first wanna make Piglet, you see the little pink stitches??
August of Lizzie Kate is almost finished, then can started on September!!!
Thanks for all of you who keep coming back to my blog and taking the time to leave a comment, I so appreciate it.
7 opmerkingen:
What a wonderful gift you recieved.
Hooray for almost finishing August.
Annette wat leuk de baby-Pooh en zijn vriendjes.
Ik wens je een fijne bevalling toe en wat zal Noah blij zijn met zijn kleine broertje of zusje.
Heel veel groetjes van Marion
I love all your gifts from Patty, Annette--she is so sweet...
Your LK is moving along very quickly--can't wait to see what September looks like! Glad to see that Piglet has been born--he's my favorite :)
Alles goed met je Annette , het komt dichterbij hè ? Pooh en zijn vriendje zijn zoo schattig en je give-away van Patty super !!
Een goede bevalling en ben benieuwd wat het wordt ,kleine Noah zal in de wolken zijn ;) !
Beautiful gifts from Patty and Winnie is looking fab.
Hope the baby comes soon..
Your Very Welcome Annette - It's easy to give things to such a sweet blogger - Take Care
Hoi Annette. Wat een prachtdocher.Echt een supergaaf meisje. Leuk om je blog te lezen.
Geniet ze al zul je soms slaap te kort komen.that's motherhood!
take care, groetjes, Marcelle
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