But first a stitch update. I've started a new piece... yes I could not resist.
Look at
this lovely piece from Barbara Ann:

I've not stitched much on the horses, but here the progress:

Yesterday I made this funny chicken:

I've giving it to Robberts mommy, every year she gives me Easter branches, so in return I made the chicken... see loved it.
I just finished another one of myself:

Than my Easter decoration:

The first picture is in the hallway, on the shoe cabinet. The other two are from the window-ledge in front of the house. There are hanging the selfmade Eater egg!! With some practise it looks better, but it isn't easy to stitch it by hand when it's round..., but I need to make more, the branches are still so empty...
Soon Í will update the Easter decoration again, when I've made some more...
Here a lovely photo of Noah drinking hot chocolate

Thanks all for stopping by and leaving a comment, I love to reading them!!
Till next time
7 opmerkingen:
Fun decorations. I love the chicken. And Barbara Ana is one of my favorites. I've stitched a ton of her designs.
Have a great weekend!
I love that silly chicken!!!
Your new start is so bright and cheerful!
Heel erg mooi gemaakt hoor annette.
Die paarden zijn prachtig maar het paashaasje vind ik persoonlijk op een te donker stuk
groetjes sofie
Leuk leuk !!! je gekke kip is erg leuk ,maar de paarden zien er ook al prachtig uit...
succes met alles
fijn weekend
Je paas decoratie ziet er super uit Annette en je kip is heel leuk maar die paarden die zijn echt al heel mooi !!
Love that long leg chicken,
The WIP's are looking fabulous
I need to get out my Easter tree
Je nieuwe WIP ziet er leuk uit, past heel goed met die stof.
Leuke paasdecoraties
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