Not only my laptop crashed, but also DH's laptop crashed. After a lot of installing we managed to get his laptop working but not everything workt.
But this morning we bought a new laptop...jippie I'm so glad with it, I can blog again, and look at al my favorite site's......
I'm way behind with commenting on al of your blog, some of you blog I managed to comment, but others it wouldn't work.
Mainwhile I haven't done much a bit.
Here is the progress of the horses:
And I have made three ball's for my nephew Adam, his grandmorther had phoned my SIL that see was looking for some soft ball's for Adam, when see babysit hem and taadaa I brought it with me, they where so glad with it, and also give Adam a chicken. I love those chicken, I hope too make some more soon.
I also hav esome cute photo's of Noah, past weekend Noah had halpt BIL with the wood, he needed to take the wood out of the wheelbarrow and give them to BIL, Noah had fun with it....hihi
Still a bit ill but when I do it slow I maneged to do what a want too do...
See next time, hope you will visit my blog again...
4 opmerkingen:
Glad you are 'connected' once again. The horses are looking good. And you very nice helpers at home!
Fijn dat je er weer bent. Wat worden je paarden prachtig. Ben heel benieuwd naar het eindplaatje.Als mijn dochter de paarden ziet, zou ze ze meteen willen hebben!!
That's a very good progress on the horses and well done with the soft balls.
I do hope you get to feel better very soon.
Take care.
Hoi Annette, wat zijn dat leuke foto's van Daniƫl en Noah van vorige week.
Proficiat met je verkregen awards.
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