I didn't hear any songs tonight, so I don't they do it anymore...to bad, it's so fun.
When Noah gross up I hope it starts again..
So on stitching area, I have done a lot.
First Bob the Builder, he is almost done but I've missing a color, so need to order it. So I've started a new piece, yes I'm on a role. I wanne make a few bibs for the holiday's, The first piece wil be with Miffy, so weird in Dutch he/she is called Nijntje.
And also finished part 5 from Animal SAL. I've gets up with the rest..jippie, now I can stitch easy again.
So here are the photo's..
So off to stitching again, but for closure a CUTE photo of my little Noah
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
5 opmerkingen:
OMG When did Noah GROW THAT BIG??? He sure is a sweetie, Annette!
heel mooi gedaan hoor annete.
Hier wordt dat ook gevierd je sint maarten.
In zonhoven waar ik woonde noemen ze dat hololool.
Groetjes sofie
Het is toch een schat met die grote blauwe ogen. Weer een leuke foto! XX
The kids had fun here with Sint Maarten the other day, so glad the weather then was dry and no wind. Thought, not whole of the Netherlands does this one but not sure which area.
Hope you're having a nice day. Just came in with Max, wet as it's raining over here and very dark, it looks like near eveing while it is only half past ten!
Wij vieren Sinterklaas ipv Sint-Maarten.
Je SAL ziet er goed uit, ik en er helaas nog niet aan toegekomen, maar ga nu toch beginnen met nu en dan wat op te zitten en te borduren.
Noah ziet er weer schattig uit.
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