It was a free pattern on:
This is a photo of how far I'm now:
I started it this morning, only need to do the strawberries.
It's fun to make, it's somethings diffrent than stitching, I need a hort breake of it.....
Also I have listed the ABC of Cars.
Yesterday I took along to my work, the ladies loved it.
They don't understand how I have done it...blush blush
Tomorrow I rep it up, and give it to Robbert, the boy where I made it for.
I hope he love's it, I now his mother will.
Yesterday I also have made this:
A colleague has turned 50 last week, this wil she celebrate on Thursday at work with a diner for the colleagues and patients.
For special events we make a book with pictures of us and the patients, we needed to make a A4 with something nice for her.
In the middle is a poem..
I hope she like it.
So I'm going to make my strawberries.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving those loving comments.
5 opmerkingen:
What do you mean by you have listed your ABC???
I like what you did with the poem !!!
The cupcake is great too !!!
de ABC zit er heel leuk uit in die kader. Het is leuk hé om zo'n dingen te showen aan collega's. Ik neem ook altijd mijn werk mee :-)
Het gedichtje is heel leuk, dat zal de jarige wel kunnen appreciëren.
The framed ABC looks great. Very creative with the cake felt, looking forward to see it finish.
Het gedichtje voor je collega is heel leuk opgemaakt.
Wat is het leuk geworden Annette!Mijn complimenten voor het mooie borduurwerk!
En wat een grappig taartje, het lijkt wel op van die populaire cup cakes :-))
Groetjes, Hetti
De ABC Cars is echt prachtig geworden!!
Vind hetgeen je gedaan hebt met het gedichtje ook heel leuk geworden, ze zal er zeker en vast blij mee zijn.
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