I love the 'Forget Love I'd rather fall in Chocolate' cow.
I hope to frame them today, or later this week.
For Noah's fall window I'm done. I have made the two squirrels yesterday. They are so CUTE.. and made some leafes to put with the pumpkin.
The photo of one of the squirrel I can't upload, but you can see it a bit on the photo below.
Just now I put them on the window here you can see it...
This morning we went for a walk in the woods and eat at the pancake-house, Noah enjoyed it a lot, many dogs where there, and Noah love dogs.. He is sleeping like a baby at the moment...hihi
It was a busy week so now I'm going to do nothing, but I don't think that will change.
Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment..

5 opmerkingen:
gewwonweg prachtig annette.
en die raamdecoratie ook.
gtroetjes sofie
***giggle*** Fall in chocolate? Love it!
The final cows are adorable. That was a really fun stitch, I can tell!
Die koeien zijn zo schattig.
Je ramen zien er heel leuk uit.
Another beautiful finish! You are really on a roll with finishing.
The window decorations looks great.
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