So when you want to make a snowmen, but you don't have snow, you make one out of fabric...
In a very old Dutch sewing magazine there was a pattern of a cute snowmen
I have done a bit of stitching
My neighbour girl her birthday was a week before Noah, I promised her a gift, but didn't know what, But this week I know it.
A memoboard!!
She and her mother loved it!!
Yesterday we when to the Intratuin, It's a garden center.. I go there ones a year just before Christmas before of all the beautifull decoration!!!
We also baked some honey cookies this week.
Thank you all for stoping by and leaving a comment!!!

9 opmerkingen:
We had a touch of snow last night. I went to the dentist and he had a handmade snowman on the counter with 'Let it Snow' embroidered on the front. I blamed that little guy for bringing us that white stuff in this frigid weather!
Yours is a cutie! And I love the memo board idea.
Noah gets to go to all the cool places! I'm jealous!
Oh what an adorable Snowman Annette, you are so talented.
The memo board is such a sweet gift.
Great photos!
meid wat ben je weer mega creatief geweest.
Wat een mooie sneeuwman annette.
En ja bij intratuin hebben ze mooie versiering hier in belgie ook.
Maar duur.
Groetjes sofie
I've always admired those memo boards, Annette and yours looks so pretty. I'm sure your neighbor loved it.
Little Noah looks so cute with the Christmas village and making cookies. I used to have such fun baking Christmas cookies with my sons when they were little!
Wat een leuke sneeuwman, en opnieuw een meer dan geslaagd cadeau met de memobord!
De intratuin ziet er heel leuk uit.
What a cute cute snowman!
And you made great gift for your neighbour's birthday.
Ohhh, those cookies looks yummy!
The Little Snowman looks vey happy,you dont had to forry him to melt!? :)
That garden is a bit like the Helsinki City Garden which have every Christmas a amazing decoration.
There are also fountains and all kind of flowers in the Christmas colours,very beauful place..
Noah looks so cute baking the bisquits.
Your stitching looks great. Oh, my dauhter would have loved those polar bears!
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