Last Thursday in the evening it started snowing... Yes we have snow...
Friday we had a lot of snow.... Last night there was totally fallen 15 cm (5.9 inches)That is so much for here... We never have so much snow... And I love it, so does DH and Noah.....
The little snowmen is moved to the front window... And I finished his broom!
Rudolph the red nose reindeer, who doesn't know him... he is so cute and Tilda had made a cute pattern of a reindeer. Last year the pattern was in a Dutch sewing magazine... I so love it, so this week looked it up and made it.
This week a package arrived
The cold winter is coming and I found a pattern of a hooded scarf. It could be made in two versions, The first version I made was much to small.. So that will be for the baby, the second version is to big, but Noah will be warm and can wear it till he is 18...hihi
The mittens Noah has are knitted, but every time he play's in the snow they get wet and het gets cold fingers, so this week also wanne make fleece mittens
Then last night (yes finally) I have crochet (It has been 15 years ago..) It was a lot of practice, but finally after a try of 10 I could do it.
This is my testpiece

I have been looking on Google and found a lot of beautifull pattern to make, so more of this will come!!
Ow NO another addiction!!!!
Today it was the meaning to go to the Efteling, but because all the snow, the most of the family didn't wanted to drive.
So this morning we baked Christmas cookies
Hope you all have a lot off fun with the snow... good luck for the one who has to go to work tomorrow...
I think I will try to crochet a bit...
Till next time..
Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment, I love reading them!!!!

10 opmerkingen:
Well, I see somebody likes real snow. I only like the stitched kind!
Have fun with crocheting. Once you get in a rhythm, you won't be able to put it down.
wat een heerlijke sneeuwfoto's.
Vooral die met de sneeuw op Noah's neusje is zo leuk.
Vind de sneeuwpop en het rendier ook erg leuk.
Succes met haken.
groetjes Kronova
A great post Annette! Looks like you've been, such great creations youǘe made lately.
Amazing snow pictures! We are spared with snow here, the children aren't happy as they look people enjoying on the mainland.
Dat is heel erg mooi allemaal annette.
En ik hou julie vandaag thuis van school en dan gaan we ook wat spelen in de sneeuw vandaag denk ik.
Het is veel te slecht om erdoor te gaan met de koets deze morgen en ze geven nog bij vandaag.
Groetjes sofie
oohh Annette wat mooi allemaal en kleine Noah vind het blijkbaar super leuk in de sneeuw .
lekkere koekjes ;)
Noah lijkt het wel leuk te vinden in de sneeuw :)
Little Noah looks like he is having fun in the snow! And I love seeing the photos of all your creations and those yummy cookies--you are very creative, Annette!
Love the Snowman
and the little eggs are too cute !!
Merry Christmas
Hoi Anette,
Leuk die mannen zo samen in de sneeuw!
De koekjes zien er super lekker uit!! Ze zullen wel al op zijn!
Fijne Kerstdagen, groetjes Thea
Your crochet is adorable!
And Noah with snow on his nose looks so cute!! =)
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