
Please don't use any pictures of Noah and Kira with out my authorization

donderdag 28 november 2013

Still a bit of Sinterklaas

Last weekend Sinterklaas came here in town.
I dressed the kids up as Black Pete.
They looked so cute
♥ ♥ Aren't they cute? ♥ ♥

We where waiting and waiting
And look at what we saw

He wanted to came by car, but the car broke down.
In front the driver and some black pete's.

In the back car you can see the hat of Sinterklaas, and more pete's where there.
We sing songs, and made a parade around town, then we went to our townhouse.
Song more songs, and a magicman came to do tricks

They had so much fun.
The day after we went to DH's work to celebrate Sinterklaas there.
Because of cuts, they didn't decorate, so Sinterklaas asked us, to make decoration..

We had so much fun..
And kids came home with a present.

* * * ♥ ♥ ♥ * * * 

We made some Black Pete's with HAMA beads.
Kids liked it so much.

Blue and pink..
From who is who??? 
( don't pay attion to my messy memoboard, it's too full)

They are hanging between the lamps above the dinner table..
We need to make still 2 more things..


Then I have to show you the sweetest things.
Noah and Kira got a card from France.
A card from my sweet Friend Valérie and her SuperHubby 
(he also blogs and makes the most awesome things).
On the back they wrote in Dutch.. isn't that the cutest and sweetest..
Thank you so mcuh sweetie.

It gave me such a big smile!!

Tomorrow the kids are playing Black pete, more about that later.

next week Sinterklaas will also comes at the kids school 
And 5 December is the day that it is his birthday, we will see it the kids where sweet enoug to receive gifts too.

Have a great weekend all


I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
 I love reading them!!
 ♥ Have a great day ♥

zondag 24 november 2013

Crochet poncho

A while back a friend showed me a picture of a poncho she was going to make.
I fell in  love.
She took it with her too the KreaDoe so i could fit it
I fell in love again
Last week i started it and four days later it was finished.  

What do you think??
Wanne make more crochet clothing for me.
A skirt and bolero are on the to-do list next.

I'm typing this post on my foon. But this app is not that up to date yet. Like i normally like to type my posts.
I also can not choose where to put the pic. So i really dont know where the picture will come.

Hugssss have a great Sunday

zaterdag 16 november 2013

Sinterklaas has arrived ♥

( Beware long post with many many pictures)

Today is the day that Sinterklaas arrived in the Netherlands!!
All the kids are happy.. and me too!!
I love Sinterklaas

But first I think some of you are wondering how my house is looking like..
I can tell you it's looks AWESOME =)))

DH was a bit afraid that it would be too much, but he love's it too.. ( me is more happy now)

So let's start, with showing you all:
 The day and night pic of my Cuddle Pete's

 And another day and night pic, this time my awesome boat ;))

 The beautifull wreath
 My season heart shelf totally in Sinterklaas style

 This is my last Sinterklaas craft from HuisVolKleur, she made it for decorating on a gift, I made it like this

 This is what I did with the AWESOME HVK Black Pete
 Above is a bad pic so below here is what is hanging in my front window

 My window from the outside

And my dinning table..
I put a roll of Sinterklaas wrapping paper on it.. 

Really ♥ Loved ♥ the crochet Sinterklaas figures on it, with my Pepernoten wreath
(That I made 3 years ago) 

I made a close-up from all the Black Pete's together

This is my decoration in my house =))
What do you think?

* ♥ *

This afternoon it was lunch at the TV..
Kids love that we do that every year.

I decorated the little table in Sinterklaas Style..

 We bakes a lot of Pepernoten and 24 carrot cupcakes yesterday
 look at them enjoying and eating..
 The songs they song, where subtitled on the tv
 Look..  Look.. Sinterklaas is on TV !!! ♥

Watching from the couch..
(Really Bad pic of me)

♥ ♥
The boat is favorite to play with!
♥ ♥

So now he is in the country, and the Black pete's will watch us if we are sweet..

In the afternoon Noah asked if he could wear is black pete clothing and if I would paint his face..
Yes.. go..
My sweet boy

 With Kira I was making a black pete with HAMA beads
 Look at him.. putting his hat better on.. lol.. ♥
My little Black pete ♥

I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!! 
 I love reading them!! 
 ♥ Have a great day ♥

woensdag 13 november 2013

Sinterklaas ♥ HuisVolKleur

I can't say it often enough. ;)))
I love HuisVolKleur
The designer Kristel, just makes the most awesome things..
 . . . . 

The Sinterklaas heart now also is finished on a wreath

I like it very much
Kids are very happy with it too
 First I decorated a strypor wreath with white wool.. 
( it took me 2,5 hour.....)
 Then put a piece of Jute on it with 5 of te presents I made;...
 Some Pepernoten and chocolate letters

And last but not least.. 
The beautifull Sinterklaas heart ♥
. . . . . 
I love it so much.. I can't wait to hang it above my door Friday evening!!

♥ ♥ ♥

I was telling you about that she also designed a Black Pete..
But not a normal one... a AWESOME one..
I made many dolls now.. but hers is totally different and awesome to make..
Also not that easy.. but i love making it

When I saw the first pic, I was totally in love..I didn't had seen it all, bit told her I wanted to order it no matter what..

I'm glad I did..

Look at this beauty

Isn't it the most beatifull piece you have ever ever seen =)))))))

I also got the most wonderfull idea from a friend how to put it in my living..
Will be continued

♥ ♥ ♥

Monday the SinterklaasNews started on tv.
Every year they show us what all happend with Sinterklaas, the boat, Black pete's.. really every thing..
And as always somethings goes wrong...
On the website we could log in, typ our name and they will show us the present ( only the wrappend one)  that they have for us on the boat..
Kira got a normal gift
But Noah........
Noah got a gift that just by a inch can through the door..
Mommy Mommy, look how a big gift i will get 
:O :O :O
Mommy is not happy... thank you black pete's.... :(
what will he say when his gift is not that big????
Please let him forget this.......Please.......

This Saterday Sinterklaas will arrive in the Netherlands, totally up North, if everything will go right..
We will wait and see..
Saterday at 12.00 pm. we will watch it on tv
(Friday night I will decorate the whole house in Sinterklaas style, can't wait to see the look on teh kids faces!!!)

I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!! 
 I love reading them!! 
 ♥ Have a great day ♥

vrijdag 8 november 2013

Felt gifts and a dolphin

What's a black pete, without gifts??

So I made him some gifts

These where so great too make!
So sweet. ♥


I also made some felt Pepernoten

Aren't the little??

Here I have two Black Pete's to show.

Yesterday, finally found my earrings, so I can finish al the Black Pete's off.
Also these still need earrings

On the left we have Cupcake Pete.
And on the right Horse Pete.
I like them so much!!


I got the new pattern from HuisVolKleur.
I'm busy working on him.

♥ ♥ ♥

* * *

♥ ♥ ♥

Can you all remember that still summer Noah asked me to knit him a dolphin???
Now I did it..
Here is his cute little dolphin

Isn't it  the cutest ♥ :)))))))

When Noah came home that day at lunch time, I told him i finished something for him..
After few minutes I saw this

 ♥ ♥ ♥
And I got after that the biggest hugs and many many kisses!!!

Noah is happy..
I tols him, now it's Kira's turn.. first wanne finish a few things for her
To start with her birthday gifts..
Plans plans plans.. but now missing the time!!!

# # #
A few weeks back they make schoolpictures again.
This week we got them 
Look at my cuties

I tryed to keep them clean now  blue spots etc etc..
And at 17.00 hours the evening before, Kira fell very hard and busted her lips...
But still very very beautifull pictures!!

I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
 I love reading them!!
 ♥ Have a great day ♥