Busy busy busy.. but that's life nowadays hihi :P
It's the last day of January..so that means GOALSSSSS
My Goals for January where:
1. Finish Blue tit Xmas ( hope with this to get my mojo back)
2. Make felted and crochet snowflakes..
3. And PINK PINK PINK PINK for Kira’s B-day
4. Make a felt ornament ( start slow..lol)
So let's look how I done it...hihi:
You see... I have been stitching again.. and I finished it
lol.... I'm glad to finally finished it.. but now... What to do with it.. It's to big for a ornament in my tree this year (yes I'm having a tree this year...:)))))
So what are some great idea's???

But found some great idea's for next year... To many..=))))
My Goals for February:
1. Make many hearts in diffents crafts
2. Stitch and finish a snowdrop
3. Do some stitched on Panda Days
4. Finish off Noah's blue owl.
5. Crochet a Xmas ball
Oops I see It's february at the moment.. lol..
For this month 5 goals... good luck to me...
About number 5. the owl.. have been working on that today
That's it for this time.. need to go to work in a few hours... night night
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!I love reading them!!♥ Have a great day ♥